
House Democratic leaders — a group of about 10, including those involved with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee — will be holding a call this evening to discuss the situation with the Democratic ticket and President Biden’s nomination. More live updates here:
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Hey WaPo, can you stop with this breathless coverage of Biden’s feebleness and maybe take more time to explain recent Supreme Court rulings and how we’re mirroring 1930s Germany right now in a really alarming way?
Neither one of them should be running, for a multitude of reasons, but you only seem to focus on one singular issue involving one singular candidate. It isn't like Sniffles was the sharpest tool in the shed on that debate stage either - and he spewed enough bullshit to fertilize Mars.
Sure, but if the Democrats would have nominated someone who isn’t 81 years old we wouldn’t be discussing whether or not they should stay in the race, but instead we’d be talking about how they absolutely destroyed Trump in the debate. But here we are.
The cold, hard fact is he never should have run.
A harder fact is that he decisively crushed old #45 in the last election.
Except he didn’t. Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were all really close. You think he’s going to win Arizona and Georgia again this time?
Nice if they'd be honest with him. But Dems are just as big of suck-ups as Republicans are.
Why won’t media ask when Trump is dropping out with being a convicted felon?
Hopefully they wish him well and reaffirm their support to get him elected in November.
The only issue is that they are spineless and wouldn't know loyalty and a good thing if their life depended on it
I think the intellectual language isn’t selling what is happening here. Biden may or may not stop running for president, this is a major fork in the road for Biden’s campaign.
I hope Biden either stays in or gets out fast. If he drops out I would like to see Katie Porter or Pete Buttigieg run. That would give a good jolt of energy. Biden didn’t do great at the debate but Trump just lied about everything so no one really won.
"the situation" is that the media is going on a relentless partisan campaign to eliminate one candidate, while ignoring the one that is a convicted criminal, rapist and led an attempted coup.