L Wasson

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L Wasson


Trying to keep up with what's happening in the world. Always on the lookout for the next book to read.

Pacific Northwest, she/her
Currently loving all the sunshine - rudbeckia! 🌱 #flowers
The lacecap hydrangea is currently blooming in the back yard. I just love the color. 🌱 #flowers
This lovely lady showed up on my doorstep today...a gift from my mother. I think it might be revenge for the giant metal rooster I got her. Still... I think it adds a little something to the garden. 🌱
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Pretty little skipper butterfly on my beautiful pink cosmo. Usually they’re too flighty to pose, but this one obliged me.
A tiny beautiful praying mantis was on the shrub just outside our front door today. 🌱 #nature #prayingmantis #photography
My hydrangea hasn't decided what color it wants to be yet. 🌱 #gardening #flowers
The first bloom in the pond this season. I'm not sure what variety it is. I didn't plant this one myself - it was already well established when we moved in. 🌱
I wish I could also share how beautiful this daphne smells! 🌱
The Portland, ME airport has a somewhat tired looking taxidermized moose near the entrance. There was a gentleman directing people toward the gates - I told him I need a pic of the moose before moving on. He gave me a weary but tolerant look that said "yes, I know." #airport #portlandmaine
I'm so delighted with how our garden is doing this year. I didn't even notice this astilbe was about to bloom - what a beautiful surprise! 🌱 #gardening
Another picture of our dogwood now that it's fully bloomed and the petals have lost their greenish tinge. 🌱 #gardening
I wasn't sure if the Clematis I planted last year would come back. I'm so happy to see it blooming again!🌱 #gardening
Currently enjoying the extremely fun "Thrill of the Hunt" series by Hellen Harper. I have to say that the narration by Ruth Urquhart has lifted it to another level. I need to find out where else she has done voice work because WOW. #audiobooks #books #voiceactor
My mother took this great shot of the tiger lily in our front garden today. #photograpy #flowers #gardening
Due to an extra wet and mild spring, our dogwood is especially lush this year. #garden #dogwood #PNW
End of feed.