Shaun Waterman

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Shaun Waterman

Reporter covering cybersecurity and other emerging tech threats for Air&Space Forces Mag and others. Former BBC News, ex-Newsweek, POLITICO escapee, always a Unipresser. English expat in Washington, DC. I'm the daddy now. Likes etc ≠ approval. DM 4 Signal
When the USAF decided it had to bring Warrant Officers back as a vital link for the service in the digital domain and to confront near peer adversaries, they had to start from scratch. The USAF's prev WO program, ended in 1958, was inherited from the Army.
Air Force Warrant Officers to Be Key Link in Digital War with Air Force officials described the training process for future warrant officers, with a focus on communication, advising, and more.
As the NATO Summit wraps up, the leaders there need to get on the same page abt Russian hybrid attacks against Ukraine's allies in Europe. Right now they're all over the place about how to regard GPS jamming in the Baltic. My story for A&SF Mag #NATOSummit
Russian Jamming Wreaks Havoc on GPS. Is It Hybrid Warfare? Amid its war on Ukraine, Russia is jamming GPS signals around the Baltic Sea, raising questions among NATO allies about gray zone warfare.
At the SATELLITE2024 conference this week in DC, International Telecommunication Union Chief Doreen Bogdan-Martin tasked the industry to end the #DigitalDivide, by connecting the hardest-to-reach, mostly in poor rural areas, and to help w UN devt goals My story
Reposted byAvatar Shaun Waterman
Americans reported losing $9B to fraud last year, and the real cost, including unreported losses, could be as high as $137B, according to the FTC. That's about the GDP of Mississippi. Stolen. Every year. Much of it by transnational crime gangs. #pigbutcheringscams
As online fraudsters run amok, U.S. response is Other Western countries are using regulation to stop criminals using commercial tools like robocalls. But the U.S. is lagging, leaving Americans exposed.
Reposted byAvatar Shaun Waterman
Reposted byAvatar Shaun Waterman
At the National Press Club, reminders of the sacrifices made by journalists while covering some of the world’s most complex and dangerous stories. And a beautiful memorial honoring the extraordinary life and journalism of the great Bernard Kalb, who left this world earlier this year at age 100.
End of feed.