The Waynemaker

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The Waynemaker

Not sure if I'm promoting my writing career or if I'm just going to post for fun. Still trying to figure it out.
So, we’re doing PAC/Osperay at Wembley? Battle of the Brits? I mean, PAC has to win that one, right? You can only cut the “I’m not a loser” promo so many times without winning. Except… I doubt PAC is beating Osperay? Couldn’t you put them in different matches so they both could get wins? #AEW 🤼
It’s going to be crazy when Trump, at 82, gets 99% of the vote in 2028. Suddenly being in your early eighties won’t be “too old”
Everyone acting like Swerve/Hangman isn’t the obvious Full Gear main event. This is long term booking, guys. #AEW #AEWDynamite 🤼
Jarrett looking towards the heel tunnel and Hangman coming out the face tunnel. Fantastic. #AEW #AEWDynamite 🤼
I almost feel like this is a new game WWE is playing. One of their performers contacts is “set to expire” and the internet is like, “Oh no! They might go to AEW!” but then the performer re-signs with WWE like, “Hahaha! Of course I’m picking WWE! Who would ever pick AEW! Hahaha!”
One Henry Fonda trying to convince 11 angry MAGA oldheads to put Trump away for the good of the country
They’re going to gift the TNT title to Jack Perry, aren’t they? Excalibur nearly slipped up there, lol #AEW #AEWDynamite
Mortos has to get a graphic after this #AEWCollision 🤼
Did Tony legit just immediately spoil which House of Black member it’ll be? 🤼 #AEW #AEWCollision #WrestleSky
“Sorry I missed your childhood, but I’ll make it up to you by being a great champion and… continuing to miss your childhood.” - Swerve #AEW #AEWCollision #WrestleSky
I see Fletcher/Swerve is happening tonight. They’re not seriously going to run Ospreay/Swerve at DoN, are they? 🤼 #AEW #AEWDynasty #WrestleSky
I know it’s fashionable to hate Chris Jericho now, but Hook/Jericho was actually a solid match. I’m just saying, if it had been Hook/Christian and they had that exact match step-for-step we’d all be saying it was solid. #AEW #AEWDynasty #WrestleSky
Bro there’s no fucking way the black Panther is going to lose. COME ON! #AEW #AEWDynasty
“How do we follow Ospreay/Danielson?” “Kill ourselves?” “Kill ourselves!” #AEWDynasty #AEW
There’s still matches after THAT!? 🤼‍♂️🤼🤼‍♀️ #AEW #AEWDynasty
Love how the objective here seems to be to create experiences that are so personalized that it’s impossible to share them with anyone. Just another way technology is trying to alienate us.
Generative AI isn't just for predatory billionaires, it's also for hack directors who want to be able to exploit women from beyond the grave
If I’m TK I replay the All In footage on Collision tonight. Fuck it. Double down on the haters, Tony! #AEW #AEWCollision
This all but guarantees that Jack Perry is going to interfere and help The Young Bucks win the titles, doesn’t it? 🤼‍♂️ #AEW #AEWDynamite #Wrestlesky
All I’ve got to say is thank the gods Triple H can’t wrestle anymore. 🤼‍♀️🤼🤼‍♂️ #wrestlesky #wrestlemania
If AEW is going to air the CM Punk footage, I don’t think they’re going to get the reception they’re looking for. “Here’s CM Punk jumping Jack Perry backstage. This is bad!” Bro, we see multiple segments of people being jumped backstage every week. Is it Punk/Perry at Dynasty? 🤼🤼‍♀️🤼‍♂️ #AEW #WrestleSky
lol @ The Young Bucks presenting backstage footage from All In. Obviously it’s going to be about FTR. The haters will hate it though. 🤼‍♂️ #AEW #WrestleSky
Instead of booking Rampage like an extra hour of Dynamite, TK is booking it like… an episode of Rampage 🤼‍♂️ #AEW #AEWDynamite #AEWRampage
Damn. I thought the whole point was to do Claudio/Mox v. FTR 3 in the finals with FTR winning the belts. So, FTR just got steamrolled by the BCC for no reason? #AEW #AEWRampage #Wrestlesky
Jay White is only trying to save Darby’s life by breaking his ankle so he can’t climb Everest! What a good guy! #AEWBigBuisness #AEWDynamite #AEW
“We can’t give them their own category, but give them a little video instead! That’s just as good!” #Oscars2024  #Oscars  #AcademyAwards
Frisco would have won Best Original Screenplay. Just saying. #Oscars #AcademyAwards #AcademyAwards2024
Kimmel really going all in on the dad jokes tonight #Oscars #AcadenyAwards