
The model itself is all finished up I think! I am really pleased with how it came out. Never did a 6mm scale mini before (I think that's what #battletech is). #minipainting
Anybody have experience painting the missiles in the pods on these figures? I was having a devil of a time so i went with watery paint and trusted to surface tension to make the missiles stand out a little.
I turned the whole thing sideways and used the side of a brush to just very carefully tap the missiles and then applied a thin brown wash to cover up my mista- I mean, to blend them into the rest of the pod 😋
I think I just dry brushed mine after a layer of contrast. I probably did a wash as well.
How do people do basing for 6mm? I have model sand but its gears towards 28mm. The grains would be like rocks/boulders at this scale. Im considering some clay for minor elevation variation and just paint. Keep it thin so so it looks like the feet are somewhat embedded in the ground without rebasing.
Looks nice! I'm on and off MWO and love me a good catapult.