
I'm just going to take a minute to rail against the fact that the full text of the Merchant Shipping (Carriage of Grain) Act 1880 is not available on the internet and WHAT ARE WE COMING TO, PEOPLE? #whydoweevenbother #firstworldproblems
Worse still, it should be, but there's a 404 error. It's the endtimes, I tell you.
In Shockwave Rider, Brunner noted a Gov't attempt to defeat the computer tapeworm created to protect Hearing Aid communications and Precipice by massive backup's being taken off line. This was in preparation to crash the network. Could that be what we're seeing here?
Could be. Could be. Or perhaps I'm literally the only person in the whole world who wants to read it and they just couldn't be bothered to copy-type it and went for a teabreak instead? 😭