
You'd be gullible to think they're *actually* as big as turkeys, but they're handsome, smart, and whip chips from your fingers between paper bag and mouth, especially if you're emphasising a point with it (personal exp). While laughing at you. Love 'em. Ta for sharing 😊
You’d all better read my children’s book about Herring Gulls!
Yes, I jolly well had! The gulls are good guys, though, right? 😊
I tried to avoid making it “them or us” but they’re certainly not the bad guys!
round here.. (East Coast Scotland) there seem to be many fewer than in previous years, - I think Bird flu has badly affected population numbers. Also, some of the ones here are actually huge. Seriously big.
That's interesting (and v sad) that herries have taken a battering up there - it's been heartbreakingly fascinating to see that particular species seems to have taken turns to be worst hit year by year. The terns took an early hit, obv. 😭 I have hope that they will recover and gain immunity. 🙏
I wonder if (hear me out, here) they *look* enormous because they are ballsy enough to come up really close? I mean - not denying they are large birds, but it's unusual for birds to become larger v quickly. Unless chip-stealing favours big birds and there's a chip-based evolutionary pressure here?
Thinking about it, general kleptoparacitism in gulls (and indeed predating on other birds) prob favours being a bit beefy. Greater black backs, for eg, seem to be humungous, and they can just nab smaller birds and chicks, or steal their catches.
Maybe other food-sources being scarce because of human environmental cockups, herries actually are getting bigger to better fill the kleptoniche? Wonder if anyone's studied that? (Other than Daily Fail journos waving chips about.) Some species do favour kleptotininess - thinking of a spider I saw.
Seriously, I have a partner from another country - the first interaction was this turkey sized bird strolling down the street with cars banked up behind.
You gotta love the style, haven't you. Fair play. I must come up there and see these ginormagulls - they sound amazing. #gullzilla