
I see age discourse has begun again. Until I was 50, I never considered writing or art. In the 8 years since, I have written 13 novels, 30 stories, & raised my art skills from near zero to something well above that. I continue to learn & improve & hope to do so until the day I die. Never too late.💜
I went to graduate school in my 30s (Got my PhD at 37). Published my first academic book at 40. Published my first novel at 43. My second academic book comes out later this year and my second novel is in the works. My teens and 20s were FAR too tumultuous and difficult to do any of this.
Because of health stuff I wasn't able until know, well into my 40s. So one the one hand, I really dislike all kinds of discourse. But on the other hand, I do enjoy the only good side effect of cool writers giving me motivation by posting they also started late.
I had no idea all the neat Whistpr prompts were coming from a source equally inspiring! Thank you so much for sharing your story, stories like this save a lot of creative works and people's dreams from the killer trash can of "Oh it's too late." 💜
It does make me both irritated and sad when I hear the sentiment it is too late to be worth trying something, so I am always happy to provide any inspiration I can 💜
Well I had a family including a child with an alphabet’s worth of disorders, did a long stint as single mom working full time to barely get by. Only now can I spare the time and have the emotional distance from trauma to really write. And I’m damned good at it.
What sparked your interest in writing and art?
You know, it was such a strange confluence of life events both mundane and profound that it would be hard to describe but I think it paid to have an open mind and not be afraid of experimentation and failure. The pursuit of some small modicum of joy or distraction through creativity. Seeking a voice
This is so heartening. Thank you! With a STEM day job I often feel like I'm running out of time (in my late 20s) and will never output enough to develop my skills and be deemed a "worthy" or "serious" creator. Which isn't true. You're living proof that it's never too late to grow & develop. 💚
You’re an inspiration! 💗 I’ve slowed almost to a stop because of my mental illnesses but I did my best writing in my forties, I believe. I’d been writing for decades on and off but I was first published at 40!
Thank you for sharing this! 💗