
I’m convinced that Scarletsnakes in Tennessee are mythical. I’ve put so many herping sessions since last year at 3 different sites with no success yet. I’m not giving up but this is proving to be a lot more challenging than I thought it would be.
My goal is to try to find every snake in Tennessee, or at least get close. There are 35 species and I’m at 23. The problem now is that a lot of the ones I’m missing I’m either out of range of extremely difficult to find or both so it requires so much effort to try to find a new species.
I say this as I just drove 2 hours back home at 4am trying to find the Scarletsnake unsuccessfully tonight and every time I make this drive it makes me more exhausted. I really hope I can find this species in the upcoming weeks.
Anyway, it’s a bit of a rant just because I got a little frustrated tonight, but it will take a lot more than that to get me to give up
I checked iNaturalist and found there are only ten Cemophora observations noted in Tennessee -- which is not a lot. Yours is an epic quest of rarity!