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Crafter, artist, photographer, birder, set painter. Website is inkandphoto.com and my shops are https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/marian-murdoch and https://www.redbubble.com/people/marianmurdoch/explore
I don’t want to be 60 years old, but as of today here I am.
Any of you paint with gouache? I just bought my first set of paint tubes, and am excited to try it. #art
Today, I made the same 3 clicking sounds I always make when I encounter the ravens, and this guy looked up and started hopping over to receive his frozen banana. After eating, he began sunbathing and preening. So much fun to watch. I hope soon to get him used to the camera from outside. 🪶
I inherited all of these forms of Titanium from my father, who was a mechanical engineer at a titanium plant. I would like to find a raw form to go with the collection. Is there a way for an individual to purchase it in a raw form? Rutile/Ilmenite? Everything I see is suspect, or processed. #geology
Mono Lake 2012. I haven't been there for years and wonder what state it is in now.
10am and it’s already 105F. I sprayed water on a small section of my rose bush and bees and mantis immediately came and started drinking.
Raven behavior! It's 115F, so I put a frozen banana out on the grass. Two ravens, who had been hanging out in the shade, came over. The smaller one carried it to the shade and ate, the larger about 20 feet away. Then, they swapped places. After that, the larger stretched flat and began sunbathing. 🪶
It’s 114F and these poor guys have chosen my shade tree for relief. I put a bowl of water out there earlier but I don’t know if they’ve used it. Photo through the blinds so I don’t disturb them. 🪶
Wild Hawaiian Goose, Kauai. Also called the nēnē, there are only around 3,800 left in the wild. Once a species of tens of thousands, they were reduced in number to about 30 individuals in the 1950s and on the brink of extinction before strict protection was put in place. 🪶
Five yrs ago today, my town experienced a 6.4 earthquake, followed the next day by a 7.1 I helped evacuate terrified patients from the hospital, pushing one in an office chair because of lack of enough wheelchairs. Many are still afraid of the slightest rumble, boom from the nearby Base, or rattle.
His white stubble makes me laugh. #art
Husband is fidgeting because he found out the place we're going today (2 hrs away) is open an hour earlier than he thought but I don't want to leave an hour earlier than planned because I already have the time of departure set in my brain. Don't change plans on someone with ADHD.
I was doing the influencer booty pose back in the 70s, apparently. LOLOLOL!
Resting Hummingbird, stipple drawing. 🪶
Went to kick a pinecone and it was a dog poop.
Is that its......tongue?!?! 🪶
What am I supposed to do, Facebook, locate them for an updated photo???
Sea lion stipple drawing. One of my favorite things to do in Morro Bay is sit in a cafe and listen to the sea lion vocalizations coming from a floating dock. #art 🦊
The hospital gave my husband this stuffed bear when he had his open heart surgery. He was instructed to hug it when he had to cough. I just surprised him with a crocheted sweater for the bear, with a heart and incision added, and he got all teary eyed.
2012. When I was really glad I always stay in the car when bison are around. 🦊
And…the painstaking ink dots have all been applied, one by one, by hand. 🙂 🪶 #art
Rufous Hummingbird. Pen and ink stippling and colored pencil.
Photos from yesterday's basset hound Hoedown in Acton, CA. I took over 200 photos, but these are my favorites. #dogs
Spiders can be green???? I found this guy in Acton, CA today. Look at its “spiky” legs! 🪲
Garage sale score! 12 different edged scissors for 5 dollars and 48 Arteza real brush pens for 3 dollars! I’ve never used brush pens before so this is going to be fun. #art
Look at this beautiful stink bug I found near my front door this morning! Isn't it gorgeous? 🪲
I was sitting in the backyard when this beauty landed in the tree nearby. I made a call to him... and he responded. For the next 15 minutes, we had quite the conversation. Gutteral sounds, croaks, and more. He would move closer, tilt his head, and if I became quiet, he'd call down to me. 🪶
Today's sunspots. Solar Filter. False color added. #astrophotography