
I watched all of Silo that’s out last night. I really enjoyed’s books and the TV show seems like the best kind of adaptation, where they keep the basic gist but rework the characters and plots to work well on TV. The actors must have done a LOT of stair climbing shooting this tho.
I had a hard time imagining how much of this was just cgi.
I haven't watched the behind the scenes, but I assume it's a ton of digital matte paintings with like 3 or 4 floors built for real.
It’s moving a little slow for me, but it’s been awhile since I read Wool so there’s a lot I don’t remember. Honestly though I’m struggling to get through Shift (~ 50% in) so I’m guessing it’s just me. Does the action pick up in Dust?
The first book was my favorite by far. I enjoyed the other two, but not as much. I remember the second book being a bit slow. The third one is mostly a "how did this happen in the first place" with a little bit of closure. The third and fourth episode of the show is what really hooked me.