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H tine hold it dine
Love him or hate him, David Lynch’s formula of “a bunch of nutty stuff happens to two or three of the prettiest women you’ve ever seen” has almost always resulted in good movies.
I was wrong. What he really cares about are grimy apartments with water inexplicably falling from the ceiling.
One thing about Tarkovsky is that he could not get enough of hot air balloons
There’s only surefire way of being a successful artist, and it’s having only one and at most two extant photographs of you out there.
Anyone know of a good introduction to the Baptist view of religious liberty?
One thing about Tarkovsky is that he could not get enough of hot air balloons
I was never religious, but I had a road to Damascus moment when CJ Stroud said he dedicated every touchdown to Jesus.
Reading Charles Taylor and he’s describing dynamics of lived experience in/outside of faith, and he has this description of aspirational living without belief that’s like beat for beat the “right now I am euphoric” r/atheism post lmao
Many of my haters have been saying that I would never remember to get vision insurance during open enrollment. Well, I have some bad news for them…
I imagine the most intimate experience in marriage is merging your bookshelves
Christian Walker? I think it’s called a pilgrim.
unironically think Kierkegaard should be considered baptist literature
Theology before 1700 is fun because the guy will write “literature, in a way, is the highest form of expression, for the good Lord ordained that his revelation be brought to the world on paper; but cuisine is an even higher art, for even the illiterate may understand the flavour of the eucharist.”
I love Plato. Haven’t read any of his stuff, but he was such a great wrestler.
Whenever I see some poll having to do with self-identified evangelicals I don’t know what to think, because the vast majority of evangelicals I’ve known don’t seem to really know what that means and consider themselves broadly Christian.
Another day at the law firm, where I determine whether contract clauses written in invisible ink are binding.
Can’t knock the Husserl
God, in his mercy, has provided Texas A&M fans with imprecatory psalms to pray against Texas! 🙏
New AP style guidelines recommend against language that could be construed as violent (e.g., “hitting” the stanky leg).
Charles Taylor was a great philosopher, but his true heart was in the sneaker design community, which affectionately called him Chuck.
Liking an initial post is vulgar, wormlike. But liking the followup joke reply? That’s reserved for intellectuals.
Bob Dylan fan getting a divorce, soyfacing: this is just like blood on the tracks!!!
I came here to watch Jon Bois documentaries and chew bubblegum, and I’m all out of gum.
Folks, we love it when characters in action movies are named after famous intellectuals, don’t we. Buff fellas named Heidegger and Virgil fighting in the aisle of a highjacked plane? That’s the good stuff.
I think evangelicals have it right that sermons should address each part of the text but still be simple enough for most audiences to benefit from, and I think mainliners and catholics are right that sermons should be, like, at most 20 minutes.
The Oscars should be for movies that I saw this year
Wittgenstein bros are always trying to make diagnosing the philosophical confusion of misusing language their whole personality 🙄
A nice thing if you like Shakespeare is that if you live in any city on Earth with a pop. above 50,000 you can find 10+ good shows every year. I think it is a human rights issue that we also make this true of American Football cover bands.
Hamlet is a nice little play about a prince who is captured by pirates on the tempestuous north sea.
Using the air bud defense to justify tying a cartoony ball and chain on my opponents’ ankles at my pickup game at the Y
Being a millionaire pro athlete sounds nice, but on the other hand you have to pretend to like whatever terrible local food chain is big in your team city.