
Yeah I put loads of hours into it. Never finished it though. It’s great for its philosophy and sociology but it got a bit tedious. I will finish it one day maybe. You replaying it?
Yeah just restarted, I'd abandoned it too. Will see how it goes. Did you play Kingdom Come in the end?
Not yet. I got it the same time as Dragon Age Inquisition and I don’t know which one to start first. Been playing Diablo IV a lot recently. I love it but it eats up your time if you let it.
I really enjoyed Dragon Age, played it on easy in the end as I couldn't be arsed learning all the team/strategy stuff but the story is great.
Just watching In The Lamd Of Saints And Sinners which is set in the 70s and it’s got me thinking: 1) Donegal is beautiful (don’t tell Wiz) 2) I just about remember the days when you’d walk into a fruit & veg shop smoking a cig and talk to a grocer who was also smoking like a chimbly. 3) Up the Ra!
It was actually filmed in Dublin Peeps, it's dark all the time in Donegal and technology doesn't work there ( will confirm). Yeah those were the good old days, everybody lighting up everywhere all the time.
I think one of my mates is in that. He's an extra in a bunch of stuff and he did a film with Neeson a while back.
I'm downloading it from Steam as we speak...
Ah cool, I'd say you'll enjoy it.