
10 years ago, gay Americans could not get married and have it count in all 50 states 20 years ago, you could be made uninsurable because you got sick once 30 years ago, HIV was a death sentence 40 years ago, acid rain was still a problem Dedicated public servants keep pushing good things forward
I ran out of characters but now that my mentions are overrun I suppose I need to clarify: Yes, some things got worse too.
That's not the problem with your tweet: it's the lying that these problems were all solved by politicians or civil servants just so. You've completely erased the years or decades of fighting activists had to do to even get them acknowledged as problems.
I mean, they also left out everyone in private industry that worked to develop new drugs and methods to reduce pollution. We’re all in this together! The point is that we are collectively able to make things better & blanket, universal doomerism is simply unfounded.
The goal of all the work those activists did was to convince the politicians and civil servants to work on their behalf, because government is how our society organizes to actually get shit done