Alicia K

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Alicia K

Mainly pics of cats! I wore a cool sweater on Jeopardy one time.
I just was talking to my aunt on the phone and it is so INTERESTING to hear people talk about conversations they’ve had about you! Apparently she and my parents agree I’m “just Alicia!” In response to me saying I’m queer on my SIL’s Instagram post lol (I think they think I’m genderqueer now??)
Yes yes I know I already bought a dress for my cousin’s wedding but I decided this dress was WAY BETTER. (My aunt said “ooh, this is so you” which I took as a compliment. I did send her a pic that wasn’t a Carrie homage lol.) plus there’s a matching hair clip!!!
the feeling of VICTORY when you book a flight with miles and it only costs 11 dollars (instead of 400).
This is such a cool list! It's half books I love (or own but haven't read yet), and half books I've never heard of that sound so interesting!
We're delighted to announce — with help from Electric Literature — the shortlist for the 2024 Ursula K. Le Guin Prize for Fiction. Congratulations to the authors! The recipient of this year's prize will be announced on Ursula's birthday, October 21st.
I can see the sidewalk from my desk and the baby cavalier puppy is being taken on a tiny walk!!!!
Where’s Davey? Where’s Lexie?
I just on tiktok someone talking about getting a “bodice chiller” at a ren faire and it’s basically a tube you can put ice in and stick between your boobs, I wonder if I can order one in time for mergefest????
My USPS informed delivery email tells me I have a package arriving today from "LEE-MAR AQUARIUM & PET SUPPLIES" which could be something I ordered??? But what????
Our squirrel friend came back!!!
We are having major Instagram drama with our republican sister in law again tonight, the most ridiculous kind of drama
On scenario 15 of Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion and I have never been more bored in my life, this game makes me hate legacy games, every scenario is like “fight gross monsters in the sewer”
Avatar my parents rec Andy uminsky, feel free to drop our name!
The moral of today is that I am much happier playing video games and reading and political news will slide through here despite my muted words, anyway here’s some cat pics
I got some compression braces to see if that helps me play video games and when I put them on I feel like I’m getting ready to do something hardcore like ride a motorcycle but no, it’s just playing my little farming game 😹😹
OH MY GIF I went to put my trash can away and I was coming back up the hill and a guy came out of the next house over with a TEENY TINY CAVALIER PUPPY AND I GOT TO PET HIM his name is Sammy 🐶
Davey knows when I shut the laptop, it’s time for WET FOOD, I think he’s trying to unplug it 😹😹
Davey is PERTURBED by thunder (Lexie is under the coffee table)
Davey woke me up ten minutes before my alarm and I wanted those ten minutes!! First he stood on me, after I dislodged him he took to poking my nose repeatedly and then gently nibbled my arm 😹😹
A purring snuggly cat for the timeline
I really don’t think I can handle four more months of political discourse (I mean this seriously) but I would be too lonely without social media!
Y'ALL, I totally forgot to commemorate that my blog had its 20th anniversary on July 4. It used to be more of a bloggy blog but eventually just became me writing reviews of all the books I read. Check out my very first entry, featuring
free comic book since yesterday was free comic book day, i felt obliged to stop by second foundation and see how the boys were getting along. their advertis...
This is so weird but I just realized that every time Mergefest rolls around (every five years), I have short hair again!
Not to post a thousand pics of my cats but they’re being very funny/photogenic today
The cats are both sitting behind my desk chair, I guess so they can be ready when I get up to feed them?? Which is almost an hour away????