Word says hello

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Word says hello


Somehow I can say words and somehow it "means" something.
If working a in the private sector, do *not* feel greedy for asking for a raise. Your money won't otherwise go to schools and hospitals.
When you think about it a human is just a big gangly monkey. It's not so strange that we are suspicious about the prospect of hanging out with some random monkey you have never met before.
Don't attribute to deception what can adequately be attributed to self deception.
Is this a good approximation? Modernism: all things can be reduced to simple truths Post modernism: all simple truths can be deconstructed and criticised Meta modernism: everything is simultaneously a complex continuum and also approximately reducible to simple truths
If your curiosity isn't ineffable then somebody has already written your book.
I'm all for people spending their careers in rabbit holes but we also need more people building rabbit hole ladders for the important holes.
If we can test things we have scientific truth. If we can agree on things we have moral truth. Building a coherent and universally agreed upon cosmology on this should be a matter of overcoming complexity.
How can we as a species that believe in things move past the breakdown of grand narratives? This seems like an important question? Is it really that hard to find respected philosophers that has good answers to this? Or is it just me? www.reddit.com/r/askphiloso...
Is the follow button like a mechanic from a deck builder game?
Don't dismiss the good that lives with the bad or the bad that lives with the good.
To be good you need to be able to separate the good from the bad. The most powerful ability is to separate the almost objectively good from the almost objectively bad. The most evil ability is to separate the subjectively good from the subjectively bad.
Your Swedishness is proportional to your level of social (conformity) anxiety.
Outrage culture is a Moloch pit. It causes us to focus on the worst of our enemies and our enemies to focus on the worst of us. And then there is no more room for anything else in the public discourse.
Feeling right now: People are their shells like violins are their strings. You don't get to know a violin by prying it open. You get to know them by trying to make music.
Occam's razor counterpoint: a simple explanation is often likely. But the existence of multiple plausible alternative explanations should make the simplest explanation relatively unlikely. The more plausible alternative explanations there are the less likely any single one of them should be.
You should avoid getting stuck in pragmatism.
Democracy is an alignment strategy for humans. What would an equivalent alignment strategy for (humans + ai) look like?
Coordination problems are the most actionable root cause of the tragedy of the commons problem. If we can find new ways to express and align our thought vectors we might have a chance to reach complex agreements in *large* groups.
End of feed.