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One of the classic tabletop role-playing game resource websites, profiling thousands of published characters from various media (but mostly superhero comics).
Added a character profile for Bryan Fury, the undead cyborg ex-military kickboxing champ ex-police homicidal maniac in Tekken. Mostly of interest for the TTRPG stats, since he ain't exactly a deep character filled with nuance, complex agency and layered emotions. He just ain't.
Bryan Fury - Tekken video games - Character profilewww.writeups.org Full character profile for Bryan Fury in the Tekken games. Pictures, skills, biography, TTRPG stats, characterisation, etc..
Added a character profile for Marvel Comics' second Gemini. That is, the one from the 1970s, android/LMD version of the Zodiac Cartel. Does anybody care about this guy ? Almost certainly not. So why write him up ? BECAUSE HE'S THERE. Pics, TTRPG stats, "biography", powers, quotes, etc..
Gemini II - Marvel Comics - 1970s android Zodiac - Pofilewww.writeups.org Full character profile for Marvel Comics' second Gemini - the one in the 1970s android Zodiac Cartel. A bizarre footnote.
I had jokingly promised a series of Francophone bande dessinée character profiles if the anti-Fascist political coalition won. So far the electoral results seem particularly promising. Henceforth, there might be another unscheduled multi-days break before Bastille Day as I write those up.
Profile covering the Man-Wolf (John Jameson) from 1962 to 1974 now has a working draft. Made me late with everything else, but it should be published within but a few days.
Refurbished the character profile for Marvel Comics' version of G.I. Joe enemy Zartan, as he appeared in the vintage Larry-Hama-penned stories. Pictures, M.O., weapons, known biography, quotes, TTRPG stats, etc. etc..
Zartan - G.I. Joe enemy - Marvel Comics version - Character profilewww.writeups.org Full character profile for Zartan in older Marvel Comics G.I. Joe stories. Pictures, capabilities, biography, personality, quotes, RPG stats
Refurbished the character profile for DC Comics' Headhunter. Obscure cinematic hitman who clashed with Batman once or twice. Pictures, weapons, skills, biography, TTRPG stats (DCH and Mutants & Masterminds), quotes, etc. - our usual, but this time with cartoon skull tats on the cheeks.
Headhunter - DC Comics - Batman enemy - Character profilewww.writeups.org Full character profile for DC Comics' Headhunter. Minor enemy of the Batman and a pro hitman. Pictures, skills, gear, personality, biography
It's one of those days were I keep greying out (so impractical !), but nevertheless both chapters of our contributor Roy's character profile for Number Six have been refurbished. He was the protag of /The Prisoner/, a landmark late 1960s TV series, and played by Patrick McGoohan.
Prisoner - Patrick McGoohan - Number Six - Character profilewww.writeups.org Full character profile for the Prisoner a.k.a. Number Six, as played by Patrick McGoohan. Photos, biography, plots, personality, quotes, etc.
Refurbished our character profile for Cutthroat, an early baddie in Savage Dragon comics. (Did not update because I despise those comics, but that's neither here nor there). Convenient, low-powered street/mob enforcer type. Pictures, powers, biography, TTRPG stats (DCH and M&M), quotes, etc..
Cutthroat - Image Comics - Savage Dragon - Vicious Circle - Profilewww.writeups.org Full character profile for Cutthroat, from the Savage Dragon comic books. Pictures, powers, skills, biography, personality, quotes, RPG stats
Refurbished our small character profile for Mister Glass, as played by Samuel Jackson in the celebrated 2000 movie Unbreakable. The profile is small because it was written not long after the movie came out. Things were different back then. As a random example, lower temperatures.
Unbreakable - Samuel Jackson - Elijah Price - Mister Glass - Profilewww.writeups.org Small character profile for Elijah Priest aka "Mister Glass" - Samuel Jackson in the Unbreakable movie. Photos, biography, personality...
The alphabet being what it is, I'm currently both listening (finally) to Chappell Roan's album while I archive my two charisma dot com albums. So that's a pretty good stretch. Very different genres, obvs. But remarkable mastery & precision in both cases, everything works, strong sonic personality.
Refurbished, and added Mutants & Masterminds stats to, the character profile for Marvel Comics' Hydron of the Elementals. He's some obscure water wizard, part of a convenient team of evil wizards. Together, they wizard ! www.writeups.org/hydron-eleme... (Wizard).
Hydron - Elementals - Marvel Comics - Character profilewww.writeups.org Full character profile for Marvel Comics' Hydron, of the Elementals (Mummy and Ms. Marvel foes). Pictures, powers, personality, quotes...
On one hand everything's descending into Fascism, but on the other I've just written a character profile for the original version of Gemini of Marvel Comics' LMD Zodiac Cartel. This should about even out, right ?
Refurbished the character profile for Marvel Comics' Word (Jack Wordman), an early enemy of the She-Hulk. He's cheesy. But thinking about how to bring him back but better (in a TTRPG, fanfic, WFH comic book...) can be interesting. Capabilities, pictures, biography, quotes, characterisation, etc.
Word - Marvel Comics - She-Hulk enemy - Jack Wordman - Profilewww.writeups.org Full character profile for Marvel Comics' Word, an obscure enemy of the She-Hulk, the Thing and the Torch. Pictures, powers, biography, etc..
Now resuming early 1980s She-Hulk research. The Word and Ultima are next. They already have profiles, but the first version of these was back when I trawled marvunapp.com for characters appearing in but a few cheap Marvel comics, for affordable research. So that's... pretty old.
Added a character profile for the version of Marvel Comics' Red Skull that appeared in the no-budget, direct-to-video 1990 Captain America film. And yes, this movie had a horrible America-hating Nazi villain named de Santis. It's true, it is.
Red Skull - 1990 Captain America film - Character profilewww.writeups.org Full character profile for the version of the Red Skull appearing in the terrible 1990 Captain America movie. Pics, capabilities, bio...
*Finally* upgrading my personal archive of Amina Annabi's /Yalil/ album to .flac after 33 years, because I move like pig lightning. Yay ! Charismatic, early 1990s electro-arabic fusion music. youtu.be/cX0Nnb0mK7U
Amina Annabi - clip Belly Danceyoutu.be
Oh yeah, also clarified what Steve Roger's father's medal may have been in that terrible 1990 Captain America film. Since the prop used was kinda ambiguous. And since this is obviously a point of major socio-political import, oh Lord won't you buy me a Mercedes-Benz, etc..
Refurbished and comprehensively updated our character profile for Marvel Comics' Quicksand (Nguyet), who's kinda like the Sandman. The Spider-Man sand guy, not the dream guy. Powers, pictures, TTRPG stats (DCH and Mutants & Masterminds), biography, characterisation, quotes, etc. - our usual.
Quicksand - Marvel Comics - Thor enemy - Character profilewww.writeups.org Full character profile for Marvel Comics villain Quicksand, from Thor and other books. Pictures, biography, powers, quotes, personality, etc.
Added a more modern type of 3D-printed pistol to our "improvised firearms" TTRPG article. Mostly useful for near-future thriller/action stories, I suppose. Or sci-fi, if you extrapolate the tech further. www.writeups.org/dc-heroes-mu...
Improvised, homemade firearms in fiction - DC Heroes TTRPGwww.writeups.org Review of common improvised firearms in stories, how they work and what they do. With RPG stats for DC Heroes and Mutants & Masterminds 3rd.
Added an article about one of the most famous fountains of eternal youth in the Marvel Comics Universe - the one deep within Floridian swampland. History, versions, effects, pictures, those Fathers guys, TTRPG characteristics, etc. - our usual. And no, I won't sing Alphaville's "Forever Young".
Fountain of Eternal Youth - Marvel Comics - Florida Haciendawww.writeups.org Full article about the Fountain of Youth in Floridian swamps in the Marvel Universe. History, versions, effects, pictures, etc..
Did the additional research to update the profile for Marvel Comics' Quicksand. But I'm not publishing yet. All the pics have to be redone, and the depiction of her power level is somewhat wonky. Which impacts her stats, obvs.
Aight, only one Incredible Hulk Annual story to check, one last copy edit pass, and the Floridian Fountain of Youth can go to peer review. Another step in clearing /The Savage She-Hulk/ vol. 1's material, yessir.
Looking at the Steam sale. So many under-€10 cool-arse indie games that would likely make for great character-and-their-setting writeups... 😺 ... and no time to play 'em. 😿
Today wasn't great health-wise. But since I'm a bad papa jamma (whatever that means), I've refurbished our character profile for Flux Dabes, the protag for 2016 indie video games Crashlands. Context, pics, personality, tech, etc. - but most of the article ended up being about her TTRPG stats.
Flux Dabes - Crashlands video game - Space trucker - Profilewww.writeups.org Full character profile for space trucker Flux Dabes during the early hours of the Crashlands video game. Pictures, background, capabilities
The revised character profile for the DC Comics era of Sarge Steel is now up. Its three chapters covers most 1980s-2010s events in the "special intel" agencies, from Legends to the Silver Serpent attack. Details, biography, agencies, TTRPG stats, characterisation, quotes, etc. - our usual.
Sarge Steel - DC Comics - DEO - Character Profilewww.writeups.org A huge character profile for Sarge Steel as a DC Comics character. This also recaps a lot of DC espionage story lines Steel was involved in.
Just randomly realised that the site has more than 50,000 illustrations now. But of course, most pictures in new-format entries exist in two versions (in-text and lightboxed). So grain of salt +2, +3 vs. bards as to that count.
While working on Sarge Steel illos, I randomly discovered that a 2022 collected digital reissue of vintage Titans stuff included an old back-of-the-book George Pérez poster. Long story short, redid our main shot of Bat-Girl (Betty Kane) in her 1970s costume. www.writeups.org/bat-girl-bat...
Copy editing done, markup and layout redone, illustrations planning in progress (I'll need 30-ish), some pics redone after all (which also means I had to reorganise parts of the research library), most images processing left to do... Y'know, I'll be happy not to hear about Sarge Steel for a while.
Added a character profile for the version of Cap (Steve Rogers), played by Matt Salinger in the 1990 direct-to-video Captain America film. The movie is widely considered a disaster, but we don't care. We do good character writeups, not mediocre cinema critique. Pics, TTRGP stats, bio, quotes, etc.
Captain America - 1990 direct-to-video movie - M. Salinger - Profilewww.writeups.org Full character profile for the version of Captain America played by Matt Salinger in the 1990 direct-to-video film. Photos, powers, etc..
Nearly done with the Sarge Steel rewrite (post-exertion malaise is a botch), but it's now under 9,000 words - and will likely hit about 8,500. So it'll likely work as a three-parter. I'm prolly not going to upgrade most illustrations to full digital though. Most are just there to break the text up.