Working Class History

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Working Class History

History isn't made by kings or politicians, it's made by us: billions of ordinary people.
#OtD 21 Jun 1949 7000 brewery workers in NYC won their 82-day strike. They won more base pay, increased night pay, more holiday, shorter hours, better safety, employer-funded… 21 Jun 1949 7000 brewery workers in NYC won their 82-day strike. They won more base pay, increased night pay, more holiday, shorter hours, better safety, employer-funded…
#OtD 21 Jun 1922 a striking miner became the third killed by company guards during an eight-week strike in Illinois. In response, 1,000 armed strikers marched on strikebreakers…'-strike-battle? 21 Jun 1922 a striking miner became the third killed by company guards during an eight-week strike in Illinois. In response, 1,000 armed strikers marched on strikebreakers…'-strike-battle?
#OtD 21 Jun 1964 three American civil rights activists, James Earl Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael 'Mickey' Schwerner, were murdered by police and KKK members in… 21 Jun 1964 three American civil rights activists, James Earl Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael 'Mickey' Schwerner, were murdered by police and KKK members in…
#OtD 21 Jun 1956 American playwright Arthur Miller was cited for contempt when he refused to name people as communists when called to testify before the House Un-American… 21 Jun 1956 American playwright Arthur Miller was cited for contempt when he refused to name people as communists when called to testify before the House Un-American…
#OtD 21 Jun 1995 the final property occupied by people opposing the M11 motorway extension in Wanstead, east London, nicknamed Munstonia, was evicted by police in a massive… 21 Jun 1995 the final property occupied by people opposing the M11 motorway extension in Wanstead, east London, nicknamed Munstonia, was evicted by police in a massive…
#OtD 21 Jun 1908 "Women's Sunday" took place in London when 300,000 women descended on Hyde Park to demonstrate in favour of women's suffrage - the largest political gathering to date in the…'s-sunday? 21 Jun 1908 "Women's Sunday" took place in London when 300,000 women descended on Hyde Park to demonstrate in favour of women's suffrage - the largest political gathering to date in the…'s-sunday?
#OtD 21 Jun 1877 10 Irish miners were hanged for belonging to the Molly Maguires, a militant group who terrorised mine bosses, in what became known as "Black Thursday" or… 21 Jun 1877 10 Irish miners were hanged for belonging to the Molly Maguires, a militant group who terrorised mine bosses, in what became known as "Black Thursday" or…
#OtD 21 Jun 1852 Maria Luisa 'Gigia' Minguzzi, Italian seamstress, anarchist, who played a leading role in the development of the women workers' movement in Italy and helped found the… 21 Jun 1852 Maria Luisa 'Gigia' Minguzzi, Italian seamstress, anarchist, who played a leading role in the development of the women workers' movement in Italy and helped found the…
#OtD 21 Jun 1798 20,000 rebels fought British troops at the Battle of Vinegar Hill. The rebels were supporters of the United Irishmen movement, and their defeat at Vinegar Hill is… 21 Jun 1798 20,000 rebels fought British troops at the Battle of Vinegar Hill. The rebels were supporters of the United Irishmen movement, and their defeat at Vinegar Hill is…
#OtD 20 Jun 1912 Voltairine de Cleyre, American anarchist-feminist, atheist, poet and free-thinker, died at the age of 45. Two thousand attended the funeral at Waldheim cemetery… 20 Jun 1912 Voltairine de Cleyre, American anarchist-feminist, atheist, poet and free-thinker, died at the age of 45. Two thousand attended the funeral at Waldheim cemetery…
#OtD 20 Jun 1967 boxing legend Muhammad Ali was convicted for refusing the draft for the Vietnam war. Sentenced to five years prison and a $10,000 fine, he criticised the system where… 20 Jun 1967 boxing legend Muhammad Ali was convicted for refusing the draft for the Vietnam war. Sentenced to five years prison and a $10,000 fine, he criticised the system where…
#OtD 20 Jun 1905 the King of Sweden publicly ended plans to invade the recently independent Norway. The announcement was prompted by the threat of a nationwide general… 20 Jun 1905 the King of Sweden publicly ended plans to invade the recently independent Norway. The announcement was prompted by the threat of a nationwide general…
#OtD 20 Jun 1925 Vassil Ikonomov, Bulgarian anarchist guerrilla, was killed in mysterious circumstances while bathing in a river. A participant in the 1923 anti-fascist insurrection, set… 20 Jun 1925 Vassil Ikonomov, Bulgarian anarchist guerrilla, was killed in mysterious circumstances while bathing in a river. A participant in the 1923 anti-fascist insurrection, set…
#OtD 19 Jun 1865 during the US civil war Union Gen Granger proclaimed in Texas that enslaved people were free. Many of the enslaved began to desert their plantations. They later decided to… 19 Jun 1865 during the US civil war Union Gen Granger proclaimed in Texas that enslaved people were free. Many of the enslaved began to desert their plantations. They later decided to…
#OtD 19 Jun 1934 tyre builders at a firm in Akron, Ohio, walked out over wage rate changes. They booed a union official ordering them back to work and organised themselves, going on to… 19 Jun 1934 tyre builders at a firm in Akron, Ohio, walked out over wage rate changes. They booed a union official ordering them back to work and organised themselves, going on to…
#OtD 19 Jun 1843 a crowd of around 4,500 "Rebecca" rioters with blackened faces and dressed as women gathered and attacked the Carmarthen workhouse in Wales, and… 19 Jun 1843 a crowd of around 4,500 "Rebecca" rioters with blackened faces and dressed as women gathered and attacked the Carmarthen workhouse in Wales, and…
#OtD 19 Jun 2010 the French World Cup football team went on strike and refused to train in protest at the sending home of Nicolas Anelka following a row with the coach. The dispute… 19 Jun 2010 the French World Cup football team went on strike and refused to train in protest at the sending home of Nicolas Anelka following a row with the coach. The dispute…
#OtD 19 Jun 1937 police massacred 16 people and injured nearly 300 when striking steelworkers' wives and children demonstrated in their support in Youngstown, Ohio. Many were shot in the…'s-day-massacre? 19 Jun 1937 police massacred 16 people and injured nearly 300 when striking steelworkers' wives and children demonstrated in their support in Youngstown, Ohio. Many were shot in the…'s-day-massacre?
#OtD 19 Jun 1933 the National Unemployed Movement held a hunger march in Port of Spain, the capital of Trinidad, demanding relief work and rent control. More on struggles in… 19 Jun 1933 the National Unemployed Movement held a hunger march in Port of Spain, the capital of Trinidad, demanding relief work and rent control. More on struggles in…
#OtD 19 Jun 1931 socialist activist, Akiva Orr, was born. Politicised during a seamen's strike, Aki co-founded Israeli anti-Zionist socialist group, Matzpen. Aki's account of the… 19 Jun 1931 socialist activist, Akiva Orr, was born. Politicised during a seamen's strike, Aki co-founded Israeli anti-Zionist socialist group, Matzpen. Aki's account of the…
#OtD 19 Jun 1937 oil workers in Trinidad went on strike. It quickly spread across the rest of the economy. A state of emergency was declared and British warships came to suppress the… 19 Jun 1937 oil workers in Trinidad went on strike. It quickly spread across the rest of the economy. A state of emergency was declared and British warships came to suppress the…
#OtD 19 Jun 1982 Vincent Chin, a Chinese American, was beaten to death at his bachelor party by laid off autoworkers blaming Chin for their unemployment. The murderers weren't even… 19 Jun 1982 Vincent Chin, a Chinese American, was beaten to death at his bachelor party by laid off autoworkers blaming Chin for their unemployment. The murderers weren't even…
#OtD 18 Jun 2000 riot police in Eugene fired bean bag rounds, used pepper spray, and made 22 arrests to disperse a puppet show to commemorate the previous year's Carnival Against… 18 Jun 2000 riot police in Eugene fired bean bag rounds, used pepper spray, and made 22 arrests to disperse a puppet show to commemorate the previous year's Carnival Against…
#OtD 18 Jun 1935 around 1000 locked out dockers and their supporters were violently attacked by hundreds of armed police and Mounties in Vancouver, Canada as they went to picket… 18 Jun 1935 around 1000 locked out dockers and their supporters were violently attacked by hundreds of armed police and Mounties in Vancouver, Canada as they went to picket…
#OtD 18 Jun 1978 a multi-ethnic crowd of 4000 people took to the streets to protest against racism after a white mob attacked the predominantly Bengali area of Brick Lane in London the previous week.… 18 Jun 1978 a multi-ethnic crowd of 4000 people took to the streets to protest against racism after a white mob attacked the predominantly Bengali area of Brick Lane in London the previous week.…
#OtD 18 Jun 1969 nearly half of the air traffic controllers in the US called in sick in support of three forcibly transferred colleagues and demands for better pay and… 18 Jun 1969 nearly half of the air traffic controllers in the US called in sick in support of three forcibly transferred colleagues and demands for better pay and…
#OtD 18 Jun 1943 18-year-old Ukrainian anti-fascist fighter Maria Kislyak was executed, alongside her two friends Fedor Rudenko and Vasiliy Bugrimenko, for killing two Nazis… 18 Jun 1943 18-year-old Ukrainian anti-fascist fighter Maria Kislyak was executed, alongside her two friends Fedor Rudenko and Vasiliy Bugrimenko, for killing two Nazis…
#OtD 18 Jun 1984 striking miners faced off against 1000s of police as they attempted to picket the Orgreave coking plant. The police violently attacked, made mass arrests, and fabricated evidence to… 18 Jun 1984 striking miners faced off against 1000s of police as they attempted to picket the Orgreave coking plant. The police violently attacked, made mass arrests, and fabricated evidence to…
Just a heads up to say that we have now published the full transcript for our two-part episode on workers' movements in Mandate-ruled Palestine. Be sure to check them out here, or…