
Why don’t journalists press evangelicals on their doublespeak and code switching? Why won’t they at least stop taking it at face value when they say they “love” queer people?
Evangelical Code Switching, Media Complicity, and the Meaning of "Love" Journalists Either Can't or Won't Translate Evangelical, and That Suits Evangelicals Just Fine
I remember when Chris Pratt claimed “I’m not religious” and people bought it hook, line, and sinker.
Same problem with translating Catholic. Either they don't know how to translate it, or they're invested in protecting it (sometimes from cultural memories of Protestant anti-Irish/Italian bigotry). Anyone who is familiar but also critical is dismissed as having too much of a chip on their shoulder.
The Oklahoma bill that would create a database of women who’ve had abortions is “what they say when they are by themselves” in legislative text. The sadistic hate behind this level of religion-driven misogyny scares me to my core.
I just read this after reacting to the headline. 🤣 A core issue is that many journalists have never legitimately experienced what it means to be “sold out” for Jesus. You have to see it to believe it, and experience it to understand. Observation through third-party journalism isn’t enough.
I’d like to think journalists who haven’t experienced but were really committed to getting it right could do it. But we need a broader acceptance that exvangelicals and those affected by evangelical politics are also stakeholders in this conversation. They are not incentivized to treat us as such
How can it be lying if you are just fail to mention the second part “even though you are are terrible sinner who will be tortured forever in the fiery pits of hell if you don’t believe what I believe and join my group that is always right about stuff”
I had to cut off a "love the sinner hate the sin" cousin for toxic smugness
It’s kind of like how so many secular forced-birth advocates are “secular” in the sense of being Catholic but having chosen an order that doesn’t take holy vows.
I'd like to share this, shout this, scream this as widely and loudly as I can.
Feel free to post my work anywhere you like
Sure, I always appreciate being cited/having my work discussed. It’s meant for public consumption
Thank you. I've always enjoyed and admired your stuff. I'm poor as a churchmouse, but maybe somebody will become a supporter of yours. You so deserve it.