
These fireworks can stop at any point. 8 hours is probably enough.
I know it makes me a terrible person, but I won't be sad if they set their house on fire. I might bring marshmallows though.
I don't understand how it's even fun for this long one night: still annoying and I'd rather everyone just *would not*, but I almost understand an entire week in a row, daytime hours too: what in the actual fuck, how is this not boring, do these people have lives outside of this at all
My petty ass just wants to do something at 5am for like a week straight to piss them off too.
Can you like jar up cookie-scented air and pipe it in your neighbors windows somehow making them have to go to the store at inconvenient hours for cookies or something I'll keep workshopping the idea
Seriously. The holiday was two days ago and there isn’t that much worth celebrating.