Will Yeates

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Will Yeates


Climate comms freelancer at wyeates.com.
(📍 London)
Compulsory volunteering. Makes absolute sense
Spring sunrise in London.
Solar power tower in Spain
Appalling u-turn by UK Labour if true
Travelling by train rather than plane is one of the best things you can do to lower your CO2. So today I’m taking the train rather than flying to my holiday in Spain. A return flight would emit ~1/5th of my fair share of annual emissions - exacerbating the #ClimateCrisis
Is it fair for me to get frustrated with the disconnect shown in this New Scientist letter? 😬😖 Return flight to Europe from Falklands must be over 11 tonnes of CO2.
COP28 stat of the day on CCS via Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit
It's Energy day at COP28. Just five countries – US, Canada, Australia, Norway and the UK – are responsible for over half (51%) of all planned oil and gas field developments from now to 2050. NEW Article in COP28 newsletter ECO
Just five countries – US, Canada, Australia, Norway and the UK – are responsible for over half (51%) of all planned oil and gas field developments from now to 2050. Article in COP28 newsletter ECO
Kamala Harris at climate summit: World must ‘fight’ those stalling action (Politico) This is rich from the worlds biggest fossil fuel expander...
There is an opinion piece in @washingtonpost.com today that says: "reducing US emissions might help nudge the world toward net zero emissions by mid-century, the main battle for the climate will happen elsewhere. The most critical challenge is to decarbonize the developing world’s energy supply."
The world is on track for a temperature rise of up to 2.9C above pre-industrial levels. UN chief Guterres said that limiting the rise to ideally 1.5C and well below 2C would require “tearing out the poisoned root of the climate crisis: fossil fuels.” www.ft.com/content/9bbd...
The iceberg is bigger than Greater London... www.bbc.co.uk/news/science...
It's frustrating to see @nytimes.com allow climate criminals Barclays to greenwash themselves as some kind of independent net zero analysts in yesterdays 'Climate Forward' newsletter...
If you were ever considering setting up a monthly payment to Greenpeace, now might be the time. www.greenpeace.org/internationa...
The UK is a climate hypocrite
Australia (wants to host COP31) is a hypocrite.
Norway (and its state-owned fossil fuel company Equinor) are hypocrites
Canada is a climate hypocrite.
The USA is a hypocrite
It's the Kings Speech in the UK tomorrow. Last week, Mohamed Adow wrote in Kenya's Business Daily calling on the King to highlight the hypocrisy of the UK, Canada and Australia calling themselves a climate leader ahead of COP28, while moving ahead with plans to vastly expand oil and gas extraction.
London x Storm Ciaran x Sunset
Banks in the US were responsible for more than half a trillion dollars of finance to companies planning or operating carbon bombs. The single biggest financier was JPMorgan Chase, providing more than $141bn 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 www.theguardian.com/environment/...
This made me lol. (Thanks to @washingtonpost.com Climate 202 for pointing it out. OG here www.instagram.com/p/Cy0XHUYtJ2S)
“A tropical storm off southern Mexico looked as if it might bring some heavy rain to the tourist haven of Acapulco. 12 hrs later, it was Hurricane Otis that slammed into the coast with winds of 165 mph. Hurricane experts were shocked.” messaging-custom-newsletters.nytimes.com/template/oak...
"Germans are less likely to believe in human-induced climate change" Young Europeans more likely to quit driving and have fewer children to save planet www.theguardian.com/world/2023/o...
Reading @carbonbrief.org’s state of the climate / Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep & (v likely) Oct were warmest months since records began. / 2023 is virtually certain to be hottest on record. / Antarctic sea ice exceptionally far below prior record for past 6 months www.carbonbrief.org/state-of-the...
Travelling by train rather than plane is one of the best things you can do to lower your CO2. Today, I leave Stockholm. I will have breakfast in Hamburg, lunch in Köln, and drinks in Brussels. A flight would have taken 1/5 of my annual carbon budget for 1.5C.
Travelling by train rather than plane is one of the best things you can do to lower your CO2. Tomorrow, I'll leave London for breakfast in Brussels, lunch in Koln, dinner in Hamburg, and wake up in Stockholm. A flight would have taken 1/5 of my annual carbon budget for 1.5C.