Xennial Mom

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Xennial Mom


Not quite GenX, not quite Millennial. Minnesota Nice. Eternal optimist. ✌️❤️
One thing I’ve learned in my parenting journey of 13 years is that kids thrive with consistency. This includes their parents’ moods. I can always tell when my kids are responding to a mood swing and try hard to stay consistent and steady. This also benefits me, as pendulum swings = wrecking ball.
It appears there is one person in America who is above the law. Good for him, I guess? Bad for the rest of us.
Mix guns and hateful, angry rhetoric and it’s not hard to see how things like what happened yesterday happen. Outside of hunting and law enforcement, no one needs an effing gun. No one.
When someone does something nice for you, the polite response is “thank you.” People don’t do things for others unless they care. #manners
A red flag immediately goes off whenever I hear an adult blame someone or something for their circumstances. Sure things influence us, but blaming does nothing but hold you back and prevent you from moving forward. Release blame and watch your life improve.
I don’t really have time nor desire for other people’s stress and anxiety (minus my kids, who I will assist in their emotional regulation journey). Stress is probably the worst detriment to one’s quality of life. Not always avoidable but can be controlled through your own response to it.
Love those deep-clean days. Having a clean house just makes life better.
Had a fun night at the ballpark with my family, and it was refreshing to be in a group setting where people focused on the fun of a national pastime rather than discuss politics and argue about our differences. The good parts of democracy on display.
Self awareness is wanting to say something but knowing it’s not a good idea, and hitting delete or pressing pause, and going for a walk to clear your head instead.
Looking forward to taking our kids to their first minor league baseball game (mine too!). So many good memories as a kid at the ballpark, including the snacks and fireworks 🎆⚾️
Live your life or let your life live you.
It’s amazing how kids respond to parents without a phone in their hand. I notice a difference in my kids when I am not tethered to my phone. They can sense my interest in them and enjoy the undivided attention. Working on being more intentional with unplugging, which is not easy in today’s world!
Life is all about learning lessons. Childhood is about making mistakes and learning how to manage the consequences in a safe setting that equips you to learn how to make better decisions going forward. Parenting is really hard and requires emotional regulation, compassion and extreme patience.
I see headlines on Newsweek saying Trump is headed towards a landslide victory and I am seriously wondering what is wrong with the American people that this is even a possibility? Why do people want a dictator?
Traditional gender roles be damned! My husband’s dinners are much more flavorful than mine, even when I try hard. Some people just have that gift!
Having kids is great because even when it seems like the world is doomed, you know they need to be cared for and they are (overall) sweet cute little universes who need you to keep things together.
I’m sure my grandfather got mad, but I never saw it. He loved listening to the news and engaging in spirited debate, but he never yelled or got angry. I wonder how he’d be in our current time (he passed in 1999) and what he’d think about (waves hand) all the things…
Crazy how two people can be living the same life, and one is the happiest they’ve ever been, and the other the most miserable.
I work hard to see the positive because I personally find the alternative to be miserable, and I don’t enjoy misery. Make no mistake: being positive isn’t always easy. But the best things in life often aren’t.
I never imagined how much of my adult life would be dealing with other people’s mood swings.
In a perfect world I’d have free high-quality drop-in day care on my block, and a housekeeper, and a private home office with a built-in gym and sound proof walls. We don’t live in a perfect world though, so I make do with what I’ve got, which is pretty damn great, all things considered.
Both presidential candidates need to specifically state how they are going to address the very-apparent-to-everyday-Americans increase in the costs of goods and services across all sectors that do not match an increase in wages - not by a long shot. This is what I’d like to hear above all else.
Based on comparison (which is terrible I know) my kids are not even close to spoiled the way those around them are. And yet? I feel like we all have too much stuff, waste too much, and complain too much. Wild to think about.
I never want to be the type of person who sucks all the oxygen from the room. Those people are exhausting.
Childhood is such a short blip on the radar, we owe it to our kids to provide them a safe, peaceful, loving, and playful home. Happy kids turn into happy, well-adjusted adults. And that’s what the world needs more of.
Checking out this new space and hoping it’s not like the dumpster fire I left.
End of feed.