Erik Novales

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Erik Novales

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Reposted byAvatar Erik Novales
The number of people Trump says he'll deport keeps going up. It's now 20 million, 50% higher than the largest estimates of the undocumented population. It's clear sign that distinguishing legal from illegal won't be a priority. They're just going to round up people they don't want to be here.
It's always fascinating to see how companies try to squirm out of their legal obligations, and how quickly they usually give up the ruse when they realize that you are well aware of your rights, and the law is 100%, indisputably, on your side.
Air passenger rights - Your Travellers' rights - flight delays, cancellations and overbooking (passengers unable to fly on flight they booked)
finally become that guy who's inordinately pleased at the cross breeze in the house
If you ever need more motivation to spend time with your children while they're still kids, consider that 1 week is slightly more than 0.1% of their childhood.
Working on cleaning out the garage today.
Tears of the Kingdom is like the realization of all of the dreams of Havok physics demos from 15+ years ago. But as it turned out, "physics-based gameplay" is more like an expensive luxury, than something you can get for free in every game through a commodity library.
Somebody must have told me something I really needed to hear, recently, but I am in the slightly weird position of having no clue what it was or who said it.
I had long ago accepted the reality of kids growing out of clothes, but it's taken more for me to come to grips with the idea of them getting too old for books they used to enjoy...
End of feed.