woke stifler

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woke stifler


"the pimp of the plains"
i can’t believe someone tried to shoot donald trump but it was done so in the only way that could make it a total non-event that’ll be forgotten about in two weeks
thancred kind of had this shit on in stormblood ngl
i’m being told there’s an “Eminem concept album”
I’d reconsider not voting for Biden if he came out in tonight’s press conference dressed exactly like this
guy who prefers flat soda
i was born without the brain cells that make people like cigarettes and gambling and i’m thankful for that. unfortunately there are many many other things wrong with me
the UK government system sucks and produces bad outcomes but the thing where parties have elected leaders who are occasionally shamed out of politics if they lose elections makes me intensely jealous
i wish FF14 had more options for people who want to level alt jobs without doing repeatable daily grind stuff
one of my best work opinions is that if a meeting takes longer than 45 minutes then it’s a sign of gross mismanagement
something about Joe Biden that doesn’t get brought up enough re: his victory in 2020 is that there was a pandemic and he literally didn’t have to make public appearances for 6 months
i’ve tried reading hot allostatic load like three times and i never get very far because it’s nonsense
sorry to be a cishet guy who likes chappell roan but i’m three tracks into this album and this shit is flames
I dearly love Final Fantasy but the process of trying to reactivate a FF14 account makes me astonished that Square Enix didn’t go out of business 25 years ago
princess peach showtime, zelda echoes of wisdom, metroid prime 4…folks women are officially back
the newly launched console port of Monster Hunter Stories is a really great time. it’s like if Pokémon looked better and was a better RPG
i’m watching the Stanley Cup Final game and trying to identify which guys in the crowd in Edmonton are named Gord
the vibe i’ve always gotten from dave filoni is that he doesn’t engage with any art that isn’t star wars and his wiki page isn’t doing him any favors here
i’m too old to know what “jocat” is. that’s not my problem. i’m a damn college graduate for pete’s sake
(please don’t seek out this post or engage with this person i’m just goofing around) yep you’ve pretty much nailed it. great job
my new harebrained scheme to save the movies is that someone should lure John McTiernan out of retirement (i watched Die Hard 3 last night)
agree with this. one thing i hope people are able to understand is that a game like BG3 could not have possibly emerged from the labor conditions that created veilguard kotaku.com/dragon-age-v...
Let’s Skip The Dragon Age: The Veilguard Vs. Baldur’s Gate 3 Comparisons, Yeah?kotaku.com Why do we need to pit two bad bitches against each other?
Reposted byAvatar woke stifler
21 years ago Joe had a simple question
weird thing has happened in recent years where i really admire James Rolfe now. he seems mostly immune to the bullshit that plagues most other longtime youtube creators. just a sincere and nice guy who draws a fine line between himself and the AVGN character
got lots of interesting responses to the dragon age posts yesterday. i think i just fundamentally disagree with the idea that RPGs are obligated to let players fuck whoever they want simply because they want to. but also i don’t feel like arguing with anyone about that
a 100% true thing that nobody else seems to remember or talk about is that Army of Two for Xbox 360 was supposed to have a mechanic where you would apply tampons to bullet wounds to heal, and ~for some reason~ this was cut before release
there aren’t many things the entire video game community can get behind together but i think a new soul calibur would be one of them
new dragon age making every character pansexual is fine and makes sense from a “making players happy” perspective but i think it would be kind of cool if more games were a little less worried about making players happy, if that makes sense