
One of the more insidious side effects of the pandemic is the readiness to blame each other whenever we get sick. I'm sorry, viruses are viruses, sometimes you're gonna get sick. You are a human and you can't (and shouldnt) live in a bubble (wash your hands+don't cough into people's open mouths tho)
"Other people gave me a virus by their moral failings!" No babe, it's a virus and it's good at it's job.
My wife somehow got Covid and we don’t know how. We were on holiday, together at all times and only she got sick. It’s as though we can’t prevent infection with vigilance.
Hospitals with stringent infection control policies still get outbreaks. Bugs are, like, really sneaky, I guess.
Mostly better, still exhausted. Thank you.
Yes, this, but also, the harridan sniffing, coughing, and sneezing on the train from London the other day ought to be put in the stocks and pelted with bad fruit.