
If there were one piece of advice which I would give to a young person that I think is applicable to every career (and other parts of life) it would be: You have to say what you want, out loud. No one can see inside your head. If you want to do a job or get into an area, you need to say so.
If you want a job, and you’re being interviewed, at the end of the interview say “I’d love to do this job”. If you are interested in a new role or area say, out loud, fairly often “I’d really like to get into x”. If you want to do a kind of project keep saying “I’d love to make an x”.
I keep forgetting this, but it’s literally how I ended up working with Douglas Adams. I saw him interviewed on telly about his new media company. Then I bumped into a college chum who asked if there were any companies I wanted to work for. When I mentioned TDV, he said he’d just set up their network