Yulia 🇺🇦

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Yulia 🇺🇦


Suspicious Ukrainian in Berlin 🇺🇦👀 Tech, UX and languages. Here to remind you that russia is a terrorist state

Help Ukraine: https://savelife.in.ua/en/donate-en/
My Google maps in Kyiv vs Berlin Kyiv is familiar, not many “would like to discover” places, but so many favourite places I would like to go to again and again 💔 Not many favourite places in Berlin. Saved places not just cafes but bike repair shops or government offices. Still finding my way here
Yesterday’s demo in Berlin by @vitsche.bsky.social was organised on a short notice but so many people showed up! I couldn’t see where the crowd ends or starts. Many people around me cried during the minute of silence for the people killed by russia yesterday and I did too. #UkrainianView
Berlin! Kommt heute zur Demo von @vitsche.bsky.social und helft der Ukraine, sich vor den russischen Angriffen zu schützen. Teilt das bitte auch! #UkrainianView
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😨💔 In addition to "Okhmatdyt", the Russians also attacked the capital's medical center "Isida", 7 people killed, - the Kyiv prosecutor's office
Berlin! Kommt heute zur Demo von @vitsche.bsky.social und helft der Ukraine, sich vor den russischen Angriffen zu schützen. Teilt das bitte auch! #UkrainianView
Berlin! Please come today to the demo organized by @vitsche.bsky.social and help Ukraine protect itself from the russian attacks. Please share too! #UkrainianView
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Die offizielle Seite der Klinik. Über den Link gelangen Sie in den Bereich "Unterstützen Sie die Klinik", wo es unter anderem offizielle Bankverbindungen für internationale Spenden gibt. www.ohmatdytfund.org/donate
Kyjiw heute. Die Russen haben gezielt die Nationale Kinderklinik „Ohmatdyt“ angegriffen. Unser Zorn und Hass sind immer noch nicht ausreichend.
ДОПОМОГА | Фонд Охматдитwww.ohmatdytfund.org
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Das ist das grösste Kinderkrankenhaus in der Ukraine. Tausende Kinder werden hier behandelt. Hier finden die kompliziertesten Operationen statt. Ich weiss nicht was ich sagen soll…. 🤬
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Neuer Update über die Zerstörungen in Kiyv. Die Beschädigungen am Kinderkrankenhaus Okhmadyt sind bestätigt. Russland ist ein Terrorstaat! 🤮🤬
Erste Lagemeldung aus Kyiv von der KMVA. Es gibt bisher ein Opfer und zahlreiche Schäden durch herabstürzende Trümmer. Die Flugabwehr hatte alle Hände voll zu tun. Der grösste Teil der Raketen flog auf Kyiv. So sieht es also aus, wenn Putin Friedensverhandlungen ernst meint. 🤮
I don’t know how to explain what it’s like when your city is being bombed for more than 2 years to people living in the safe Western countries. It hurts even more when it’s a place you’ve been to, it hurts even more when it’s a hospital for children with severe diseases like cancer. #UkrainianView
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More photos of russian devastation from Ukrainska Pravda
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russians launched a missile attack and hit a famous child clinic in the center of Kyiv in broad daylight the result of the attack is at least 5 people dead and 9 wounded as of now.
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I was recently doing some analysis of my problems in life and found that all my problems in one way or another were caused by russia. Dreaming of a day I wake up and there’s no russia 😌 don’t forget to donate to the Ukrainian army. Many of your problems will also go away when there’s no russia
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UN marks International russian language day on the anniversary of the russian bombing of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station. The world's most pathetic organization.
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We as a community joined bsky a year ago. I know at least 5 people here who didn't get to celebrate their skyversary, because they are now DEAD. Murdered by russians. And a lot of former civillians now joined Ukrainian Defence Force. I lost count. That's just those I know about. #UkrainianView
Пан @3n0t1ck.bsky.social загинув (( Вічна шана 💔
The other day I was asked how is my family in Kyiv. I said not great, there are now blackouts, because russia bombed the energy infrastructure. They told me they had no idea, Ukraine is not on the news that much anymore #UkrainianView
Crying because I read “in case of my death” letter from Iryna Tsybukh who was a paramedic saving lives of Ukrainian defenders 💔 Rest in peace russia is killing our best people Read the letter translated to English here: united24media.com/latest-news/... #UkrainianView
Чого так мало каналів з України у вотсапі? Чому два з трьох найбільших каналів буквально оце:
This is how @cnn.com reports about Kharkiv. How did you equal killing civilians to “ready to talk peace”? #UkrainianView
My phone sounds like air raid siren 😰 guys, I am afraid to tell you, a fire somewhere far away is not an “extraordinary danger”
Одногрупник по курсах німецької з Афганістану включив у себе на телефоні на перерві Океан Ельзи - Обійми. Каже йому дуже подобається ця пісня 💔
У мене в будинку будують ліфт і сьогодні там в шахті застряг голуб. Я вже збиралась дзвонити в контору, яка будує ліфт, щоб попросити їх випустити голуба. Поки знайшла всі потрібні слова, голуб зміг вибратись. Щось ніякі підручники німецької мене до цього не готували 😅
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Please read it carefully Tonight russians destroyed Trypilska power plant in Kyiv region It was largest supplier of electricity for Kyiv, Cherkasy, Zhytomyr regions, for more than 3 mln ppl This could’ve been prevented if Ukraine had enough air defense I just want to cry tbh
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This is only what the Ukrainian troops were able to shot down from everything that russia launches on Ukraine almost every night People can't even sleep properly And all we ask is to support Ukraine in the struggle for survival and destruction of those who are also your enemy #UkrainianView
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українці, не читайте, помиральна яма alert #UkrainianView 1/ I have just watched an interview with one of the most well-trusted people who comment on the war situation – CEO of Come Back Alive Fund Taras Chmut. And I have one message for people of Europe and USA 👇🏼
I used to think that April Fools Day is just there to have some fun, but actually it’s a good reminder how easy we can fall for disinformation. Always check your sources 😉
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Ukrainian artists are talking: “Ru-s never change. On March 25, 2024, they bombed the Kyiv Art Academy named after the great Ukrainian artist Mykhailo Boychuk. In 1937, he and two of his students were m-rdered by NKVD agents because their art was too Ukrainian. ... 1/2👇