
It's been a while since I fell on the stairs but I can say falling on the stairs while carrying an air conditioner hurts more than not carrying an air conditioner. Hopefully haven't set back months of physical therapy, ha ha ha. Eating Ibuprofen and muscle relaxers in-between sleeping jags. Ow.
How often have you fell down the stairs?
Probably a dozen times, all told over the years. I can be very clumsy, especially if my mind is wandering or I'm rushing (or both). I am extra-careful these days because I'm getting older and can't absorb the bumps as well. So, it's been a good while until the AC thing.
only one time here, but i did it proper
hahaha this was years ago, i tweeted about it at the time. and yeah for some reason i just got up after maybe a minute and went to the bathroom and back to bed. didn't even know about the wall until my wife texted me at work the next day 🤪
wrestling announcer: HEADBUTT FROM THE TOP OF THE CAGE OMG THEY'RE DEAD STOP THE MATCH oh they're fine uh okay