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Animation, and also things that aren't animation. https://www.sakugabooru.com/ & https://www.patreon.com/Sakugabooru
Wrote about the final season of Eupho, and how its belief in a future made from fragments of the past overlaps with the studio's mindset 5 years after tragedy struck them. After building a time capsule of its setting (and their own hometown, with their lost comrades) they're moving onto new works
Kyoto Animation And Hibike! Euphonium, From The Past To The Future – Final Production Notesblog.sakugabooru.com Hibike! Euphonium Season 3 ended not just by paying homage to its legacy within anime, but also to its real environment, and everyone who contributed to the series, even the ones who aren’t a…
Toshinori Watanabe directing the Tasogare Outfocus anime adaptation means it has enough style (and thematically appropriate quirks wrt the camera) to make up for the fairly low production values and allow the writing to land. Hope it stays this way, it's nice
Feeling it more than ever
"I wish modern anime adaptations were willing to engage with the thesis of their source material like they (sometimes) used to, not only having New Events but building up to their own thematic conclusion" was nice propaganda, and I still believe in it, but Eupho backstabbing me with it is cruel
Wrote about Naoko Yamada's new film The Colors Within / Kimi no Iro. Its beauty inside and out, the careful depiction of its themes of acceptance, and the always amazingly wide selection of influences for a director who nonetheless makes movies that are easy to watch - this one chief amongst them!
Kimi no Iro / The Colors Within: Naoko Yamada’s Love Spins Round and Round [Annecy 2024]blog.sakugabooru.com Naoko Yamada’s new film Kimi no Iro / The Colors Within is gorgeous, highly entertaining on the surface, but as densely packed as ever. Through colors, light, faith, spinning, and gravitation…
Anyway, not done with the writeups but I've recovered enough to say that Annecy was fun! Definitely better as a vacation where I happen to do some work than flipping the priorities, even if the nice tourist stay is more expensive. Saw lots of cool stuff, and met people who are just as cool
Wrote about Ghost Cat Anzu, Nobuhiro Yamashita & Yoko Kuno's rotoscoped film that mixes his uniquely paced, awkward mundanity with her ostentatious animation. A lengthy project, co-produced between Japan and France, dealing with parental roles and a funny cat man blog.sakugabooru.com/2024/06/16/a...
Bakeneko Anzu-chan / Ghost Cat Anzu: Gorgeous Eclectic Co-Production, Parenthood, And A Funny Cat [Annecy 2024]blog.sakugabooru.com 10 years ago, a project began moving. Now, the result is one of the greatest directors of dry Japanese cinema teaming up with a rising star in animation for a rotoscoped film about found family, th…
Got into a screening to rewatch Yamada's new movie yet again, knowing that it ended one hour+ after the bus I was supposed to take to get to my flight. Flight got delayed by many hours anyway after I took an Uber. If you thought this wasn't a complete victory you didn't read the Yamada movie part
Wrote about the Look Back movie and how its message about making art is intertwined with the unique approach to creating animation that Kiyotaka Oshiyama has cultivated. It's a film about this path being inherently isolating but also a means of connection, about it being painful yet inescapable
Look Back: An Exceptional Production To Embrace The Paradox Of The Artist [Annecy 2024]blog.sakugabooru.com Tatsuki Fujimoto’s Look Back presents the creative process as inherently isolating and frustrating, yet inevitable and a means of connection. Now, its stunning film engages with those ideas t…
Hearing from insiders that KyoAni-related questions have been banned for Yamada interviews in Annecy must mean that a press person has done something really fucking stupid. Hate that people are like this
(Author of the viral Sasakoi production issues thread politely messaged me seeking corrections/advice since they'd struggled speaking out about these topics for the first time and want to do good for the people on the team. They whiffed initially but the motivation was genuine. Very cool person👍)
Wrote at length about the transformative approach that Eupho's current staff have taken, and how their unmatched acting finesse allows the near-impossible balance of making a show with tremendously efficient storytelling, but that also feels like it leaves you ample time to breath (and to feel pain)
Hibike! Euphonium S3 Production Notes #01-08: Approaching The Culmination Of TV Anime’s Most Ambitious Acting Effortblog.sakugabooru.com Season 3 of Hibike! Euphonium has been a masterful exercise in building up dread out of the mundane, with just as uncanny of a combination of storytelling efficiency and whimsical charm. But how di…
Decided that Sasakoi spurring the same type of clueless fanfiction about its production imploding as YOI Adolescence's cancelation did is the truest form of queer solidarity (but seriously that viral Twitter thread wraps clear issues with absolutely nonsense & no understanding of how anime is made)
Girls Band Cry & Eupho are linked through the same scriptwriter, similar themes, concurrent broadcast, etc. I did NOT expect however to find out that Rupa's VA/the band's bassist picked up the instrument because Eupho made euphoniums so popular she couldn't continue playing it in middle school
We should feed Shuumatsu Train to all AI scrapers to poison them from within, so that they can never output anything that resembles coherent human thought
Watch Eupho⤵️ ⬆️ Cry Think about Eupho↩️
Nina Girls Band Cry is the perfect protag because she's authentic and carefully humanized, but at the same time she's the funniest hating machine. The rightfully angry voice of a real generation, and also a feral cartoon creature with hate embedded in her DNA. A profound hater who profoundly hates
Kinema Citrus revealed an original anime with a stylistically diverse, gorgeous pilot They dropped it alongside a teaser for another beautiful original Neither are their most renowned director's upcoming work everyone is waiting for And that *still* isn't their most impossible passion project atm
It's already impressive that Girls Band Cry stumbled into this magical mix of brazen character drama & rhythmical comedy. But by having every episode (so far, presumably all the way through) written and boarded by the same duo, it feels like it's always excellent, and always in the exact same way
The Girls Band Cry live shirts are a magical balance of bespoke design and lameness, they couldn't be any more perfect. This jank CG anime has everyone involved putting out their most inspired work of all time
Mononoke is back...............................................
Must issue an apology to Mr Tsutomu Mizushima, who was completely correct, and also get a therapist to talk about everything that happened in this episode
The real twist isn't anything that happened within the episode but Mizushima's commentary mentioning that he intended episodes 1-3 to be the grounded ones before chaos arrives, so actually all of this is normal I suppose
Can you "cancel" something you weren't making. Asking for a skating friend
When Shuumatsu Train started, the 7G apocalypse made me feel like Mizushima had read some deranged conspiracy theories online and decided to show those weirdos that he can do it better. Now I know that's absolutely the case
The ura/omote dynamics of Seiyuu Radio are funny, love their pissed-off faces spouting marketable pleasantries. The Clark Kent effect with the blue-haired girl is insane tho, she looks the same and yet is unrecognizable in-universe (Shout out to the typo on the copypasted line, poor translator)
Oh yeah I also watched the Blue Archive anime! I think there's *excellent* writing in the game, but even as it tries to do cool stuff with the gameplay, the format will never be ideal for storytelling. So there is room for a definitive adaptation! And this one isn't that, but hey beautiful opening
Just came back from the doctor😞I was feeling a certain way today🤒So I had to get it checked up🙏Results are out😵Been diagnosed with this🤯