
I would like a website -- a google doc would be fine -- that connects news stories to activists/organizations working on related issues, volunteer opportunities, opportunities for public comment, etc. I'm not sure this is realistic, given how much news there is. But I want it.
But seriously, what are we doing to help protect people from scams like fintech companies having fdic on their homepage but it doesn't really apply to their customers?
It would be reassuring to know that *someone* is working on the issue, especially when the issue is one where my reaction to news stories about it is, "How is this not already illegal?"
this is a knowledge-graph-shaped problem
i actually had an idea a while ago to do a browser addon that backs onto a KG that would tell you things like who owns the news outlet you're reading and what the author's other bylines were, and later on hard points about the entities the story was about (which would link to other stories)