
In his first response, Trump pushed the nativist lie about jobs that he is pushing at his rallies, indicative of his campaign, no real plans to improve the lives of working people, just falsely blaming immigrants.
14 min into the debate, three separate nativist attacks from Trump, including claiming that immigrants are "destroying" our country.
Trump compared immigrants to "rats nest" and claimed that we are "no longer a civilization"
There will be a lot of theater criticism about this debate but it is critically important not to overlook the torrent of dehumanization coming from Trump, the animalist and existential threat language courts serious political violence and threatens a pluralist democracy.
Unfortunately, Tapper failed to follow up on his important question about mass deportation, Trump failed to answer. And Biden missed the opportunity to tell the nation that Trump has a mass family separation plan that will use the military and the police to rip American families apart.
The centrality that Biden puts on the white nationalist rally in Charlottesville in the fame and context of the attack on democracy is a point that should not be overlooked.
Notice how Trump keeps coming back to his nativist attacks throughout the debate but dodged the question about his signature policy of mass deportation, which would target Dreamers and separate American families rounding up millions into detention camps.