
You’re making a labeller to label someone one of two options, fairly randomly. Do you: - write a line of code that tosses a coin - semi opaquely feed everyone’s (usually anti AI) pfps into a GPT which does some…stuff? Developers will over engineer themselves to death but not learn ethics
This one euro coin in my hand just told me I’m bouba btw🧋
lmao I guess enough people complained that after 1500+ likes of the labeller and some of those people discovering that AI is used to ingest your profile pic to do something that you could have done with a coin toss; they added a lil note
i lied btw I didn’t flip a coin I just decided my vibes were bouba I’m sorry 🥲
you could do an MD5 hash of their handles modulo 2 if you wanted it to give the same result for each person each time, and even that is probably way overdoing it
It's like code golf but the opposite direction. Using as much technology as possible to solve something a one-liner could do
I’ve spent a day setting up infra for what will always just be a blank page that says “hello world”, a hundred times. But I keep my shame to myself!
lol relatable. "I need a single static page, so obviously I need React, TypeScript, Redux, Jest, uh what else do I need?"
I beg people to > touch index.html index.css I continue to > npx create @an/abomination