
Dont forget yall: retweet the shit you like. It is genuinely criticial that you interact with things on here because there IS no algorithm. I know you have the habit of never touching anything from twitter but you need to abandon it and adopt liking and retweeting en masse
only if you repost my comment too
This was meant to be silly and quirky 🥺
You succeeded, i found it mighty quirky 💥
Wait, people DON'T have a habit of liking/retweeting everything they enjoy? That's been my standard operating procedure basically since I started using social media. If I like a thing, why wouldn't I want to like and share it? Are ppl insane?
I feel like on Twitter we avoided it (or at least I did) because I wanted my profile to be a neat place to find my own art... But I got a website and feed for that now, so, I'm resharing without a care~ 💭
That said, lately I'm thinking about how even on sites with mystery algorithms, likes alone don't do too much. Gotta remember to share (copy link), reshare, comment, bookmark, and whatever other engagement button exists per platform.
This has been improved with the media tab for art posts specifically, I think. But I do get it!
I used to avoid posting sketches and reaction images in order to have a clean media feed. Twitter used to have Twitter Moments, which helped. A lot of people use Feeds here in that way as well! Very handy!
retweetin IS important but this isn't strictly true - the custom feeds *are* algorithms! the difference between twt and here is just that they've put the power of algorithmic feeds in our hands, so learning to use them to their fullest to find new stuff to RT is super important too 🩷
how long until this place gets a verb of its own?
I usually call it repost, some people say reskeet but that sounds tacky to me lol
It’s a little tacky, but I think it’s fun in that we get to be little gremlins with it and it became popular because it annoyed the devs.
Pretty much all I did on the other place. That and flag my upcoming books. 😊✍️📚
my youtube liked videos list has been at 5000+ for probably 4 or 5 years now, i dont even want to know what the actual number is lmao, its second nature if i get even the tiniest bit of enjoyment or appreciation for a post, i like it without thinking. people deserve it!!
Hell yeah!! I absolutely agree, keep up the good work :)
This is why I follow nearly 3K people, and boost a TON of art. 😁
We are our own algorithm!
Yeah I've been trying to point this out with every new wave of users. And yeah, there are lists but we can't rely solely on them. The ones I get posted to get buried pretty quickly, so it's still a good idea to repost like crazy.
Also I've been trying to rebuild a following now that I'm drawing again so I don't have the luxury of informing my base of followers from elsewhere because... I don't have one... xD So it helps lesser known's like me get out there.
Yeah bad habits really play a cruel joke. Thank you for the information.🖤
I was just going to make a post about this that I saw yours first haha They're so many people I follow that have art posts I've never noticed because it got swept away in my feed 🥲 reposting your art needs to be normalized
Ew, you called it a tweet. Gross.
What's algorithm, again? Lol #dumfox