
I think what's most surprising to me about the immunity decision is that I assumed the conservative justices saw trump as a liability, in the sense that they clearly have a free hand to implement an evil agenda without him. But apparently they actually really like him & welcome chaos
Like I just had a fundamental misunderstanding here, I thought only alito and thomas were the really stupid-evil ones, but I was wrong, they're all nuts
My take: it's the conservatism. Conservatism is feudal nostalgia; an insane-synthesis of the calvinist belief that success marks you as Elect, and the medieval catholic belief in a hierarchy of being where the powerful are ontologically closer to god. So upshot: they think theyre untouchable.
like: they think they are magic because they are "successful", that god will protect them, and so nothing bad can happen to them in life. They don't worry how Trump might use the ruling against them because they think god wont let that happen.