
Ok, I need everybody to read Section III-A of Alito's dissent in the Idaho abortion case. He says - explicitly and specifically - that in cases where the amniotic sac breaks before the 24th week of pregnancy, abortions should be prohibited. HE SPECIFICALLY NOTES THE DANGERS. He points out that...
Avatar and complete bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy is required; that up to 37% of women with this condition who don't get an abortion go into septic shock; that serious health problems are almost universal... but since only 1%-5% of women die, abortion should illegal there.
He is joined only by Thomas in this section of his dissent. But they believe - genuinely and enthusiastically - that it is better for women be subjected to certain risk of serious health problems; to being confined to bed rest for months on end; and to up to a 5% chance of death, than to abort.
Two of my friends have had this specific pregnancy complication. It was soul-crushing for them. They desperately wanted to have those babies. But the health risks were far too severe, and they had abortions. Alito and Thomas fully believe they shouldn't have had that option. I'm sickened.
Friend of a friend was in serious jeopardy of having an amniotic breech and had to be on total bed rest for three months. She said that even with her mom moving in and a very supportive partner it was by far the most torturous thing she's ever done.