Zero (They/Them)

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Zero (They/Them)

20 | Poet-Philosopher | Disabled | Queer | Revolutionary Socialist | AuDHD | Agender |
having read gramsci's work on the two fascisms, it translates very well to modern american politics the dnc upholds a collaborationist urban fascism seeking to assimilate the compatible left, while the gop upholds a brutally violent rural fascism both have different visions of a neofascist future
project 2025 is not a distinct political project it is simply a continuation of neofascist gop policies fearmongering about it ignores how many of these policies began development under democrat presidencies the democratic establishment is not only impotent, but also complicit
Biden: funds genocide in gaza Democrats: Biden: loses a debate Democrats:
Quote of the Day #6: "I ascribe a basic importance to the phenomenon of language. To speak means to be in a position to use a certain syntax, to grasp the morphology of this or that language; above all to assume a culture, to support the weight of a civilization." -Frantz Fanon
i have been saying this for literal YEARS
eugenics twitter is fucking wild
if you punch left/down i will block you
i don't consider 'leftist infighting' a very useful term, because the issue at hand is too often the definition of leftism i consider the center-left to be defined by being a compatible left, that primarily meaning compatible with imperialism, but also capitalism, patriarchy etc
refusing to vote for genocide is not, and never has been, equivalent to support for trump biden doesn't have a red line, so you have to
THIS is why we have a housing crisis
I cannot emphasize enough - we have a global pathway to net zero. That pathway burns to cinders the moment we accept powering “AI” as an acceptable use of energy. Climate action is wholly incompatible with expansion of “AI”
in case you missed it, SCOTUS is (further) criminalizing homelessness because there's a shortage of prison slave labour american capitalism has run on slavery since its conception, and will continue to until it is overthrown there are more slaves now than ever before
"accelerating capitalism will galvanize the proletariat" obviously, but to what end? when material conditions worsen & workers lack the necessary education/consciousness, they are galvanized towards fascism class warfare is not like jenga, but rather a tug of war letting go of the rope is suicide
žižek & chomsky are 2 sides of the same coin both call to vote for 1 side of the american duopoly every 2-4 years both are platformed by imperialist institutions such as mit, google, etc both condemn anti-imperialism & revolutionary socialism both are controlled opposition
the bluebirds have come home to roost
we all know biden's "red line on rafah" was a barefaced lie but he's not the only one everyone who repeats the mantra "vote blue no matter who" is giving up their only leverage & consenting to genocide i don't even care where your red line is but you'd better fucking have one #freepalestine
the lgbtq+ community needs to stop venerating youthfulness as a culture we desperately need elders, and beyond that, youth-obsession is a reactionary pursuit
there are 2 common motivators for antisemitism, which is very important in judging the danger antisemitism on the western left is usually motivated by settler innocence ("israel controls our govt, we're the victim") while on the right it's motivated by white supremacy, pure and simple
>youtube historian >"pro-freedom" >vid calling john brown an evil terrorist make it make sense
don't threaten me with a good time
"Do Arabs qualify as human beings? Experts disagree." Fuck you, Canadian corporate news.
many defenders of capitalism argue that the capitalist/bourgeoisie takes on the risk in a sense, they are correct the bourgeoisie profits from the theft of surplus value from their workers, but this profit risks a loss meanwhile, the worker's exploitation is a total certainty
Welcome to Marxism 101, Tovarisch! Reskeet to bring accessible proletarian education to Bluesky!
when you judge the violence of the slave by the same parameters as the violence of the slavemaster, you have, unwittingly or with intention, consented to the institution of slavery
cops that are good people stop being cops. people that are good cops stop being people.
if you care more about dunking on 'anarkiddies', 'tankies', 'trots', 'radlibs' etc than taking serious action against the urgent threat of fascism on the left (from nato support among western anarchists to the larouchite astroturf known as 'magacommunism')... you are the problem
Quote of the Day #5: "The first lesson a revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed man. Unless he understands this, he does not grasp the essential meaning of his life." -Huey Newton
i don't have a side in the ukraine war for the same reason i wouldn't have a side in the first world war anti-imperialism isn't as simple as opposing conquest anti-imperialism is about having the principle & historical analysis to know when a national liberation struggle is truly progressive
young kids are seeing some of the most gruesome, horrifying images of murdered palestinian kids right now i hope it will make them more compassionate than previous generations but i'm worried it's just going to numb them to the horror inflicted on innocents with our tax dollars
on labour: all members of the proletariat (working class) sell their labour-power (usually through employment) for wages at a loss this loss is known as surplus value without the theft of surplus value from the workers, there is no profit for the bourgeoisie (owners of private property)