
read the whole gaiman transcript. people are getting really hung up on the consent issues, which are by far the muddiest part. there is more to an abusive or inappropriate or just shitty interaction than sexual consent.
a vulnerable young woman was hired by a rock star and a world famous writer to take care of their kid, the power imbalance alone is profound. you don't fuck the babysitter. and if you do, you're an abusive creep. is it illegal? no. still a creep.
he took her to an island and left her there with no money. that's isolating a victim, and that's shitty and abusive. is it sexual assault? no. is it illegal? no. is it extremely bad behavior from an abusive person? yes.
not all abuse is illegal. not all abuse is rape. that doesn't make it any less horrific, and it doesn't nullify the story being told here, which is of powerful people using vulnerable young people as disposable playthings. no more on this from me.