
The fact that I'm working with my agent and a wonderful artist on a pitch with a trans teen struggling under the current legal hellscape for trans youth and had to stop this morning and go "...oh there's a chance this just straight up won't be able to be legally published huh" is so fucking grim
Like it's already rough getting queer stories published, if the Republicans win you know those doors are getting barred and shut and censorship laws are on the docket because THEY ADMIT THEY ARE
It sucks!! It sucks being so scared and tired!! I just wanna make cool trans shit and live my life!!!
There's some trans content I worked on that I poured my heart and soul into that, as far as I know, won't see the light of day thanks to the current political climate and the spineless executives in control of releasing it. It fucking sucks. I hate this.
I need to go back to pushing all of my fellow web serial authors *hard* on "rights to this return if the publisher doesn't keep it up for sale" and "the author does not indemnify the publisher against the book being or becoming illegal due to queer content", huh. *sobbing*
yeahhh straight up wondering if it will even be legal to make the art i want to make in a few years