
I need the straights out there to understand that the presence of queer characters isn't what makes a story queer, and that you will never be the authority on whether a story is or isn't queer. It's fine and healthy to acknowledge that not every conversation includes you.
I remember seeing people trying to insist that the profoundly straight romcom Anyone But You that came out earlier this year is actually a queer story because it's set at a lesbian wedding and I wanted to walk into the sea
god, i'm sort of reluctant to even call hello sunshine 'a queer story' even though i'm queer and it has queer chars and romance and deals with queer issues, because it isn't really pushing any boundaries there or EXPLORING queerness (plus it's way more focused on other stuff) haha
like, even though it's important to me, the fact that some of the characters are queer is sort of incidental to the story i'm telling, and i could and would still tell that story if they were all straight and cis, so it feels awkward to label it as capital Q Queer, idk
IMO if you're queer, everything you write is going to be queer in some capacity because that's your point of view and lived experience! Hell, people clocked my sci-fi comic as queer years before I knew I was!
yeah, i don't think it's NOT queer certainly! but if people are looking for stories that are really digging into queerness and what it means and wanting to explore that in fiction, i would not point to my next book as a spectacular example of that haha
Well I look forward to reading it and definitively telling you, by law, whether it counts 👩‍⚖️
lmao, i will accept your ruling 🤝