Paul Arzooman

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Paul Arzooman

SportsRadio WFAN in NYC audio production maven since 1989 incl. audio pieces for the Steve Somers show.
I serve a cat, listen to Prog Rock & am not ashamed
If you don't vote then go to hell. If the future of this country means so little to you that you either don't vote or throw your vote away on a candidate that feeds your sanctimony, then you're lost as an American. Don't even call yourself American anymore because you're useless to this country.
I would ask any pundit questioning if we can believe Biden on his own condition how I know they're not drunk when they're on the air.
Odd quirk: I find that I enjoy listening to jazz in the Autumn than any other season.
A bit tired of the Beltway journos who have already decided for us that Biden shouldn't run. The arrogance of that crowd as if their opinion was any more important to me than Billy pizza place down the block. They need to get over themselves. My opinion is what's important to me, not theirs.
Donald Trump is completely unfit to be President as we already learned. Not one journalist is underlining that reality. They also aren't telling me what people who aren't nuts would vote for Trump.
Political loser Tim Ryan on MSNBC giving advice.
The most un-American thing is not to vote.
I honestly prefer the inverted pyramid style of news writing. It's quicker to get the info you need. Too many people are writing a novel instead. "As the wind swept a solitary discarded napkin across the tarmac, a shaft of sunlight broke through the clouds as the President blah-blah-blah."
I'm rather enjoying watching BBC election coverage.
Instead of working on A.I. nonsense, scientists should be working on getting doggies and kitty cats to live for 30 years.
If there's anything I cannot stand it's Android games that are simply not ones I buy outright and then play. I don't give a damn about their monetization model and in-app purchases. I just want to play a game on the bus ride to and from work. It's not too much to ask.
Running my AC tonight so that every selfish imbecile shooting off fireworks in my neighborhood doesn't disturb us or my kitty cat. Pip does really well tuning stuff out but these bastards with their nonsense get a little too close to our co-op complex because there's a park across the street.
Birth of a panic attack: At the Bryant Park Whole Foods looking for a soda. No sugar free. Brands I never heard of that probably taste like crap. People pressing around me. Run.
I do not think Trump has enough non-MAGA votes to win.
I imagine MAGA filled with people who piss their money away having saved nothing for retirement.
Time to go to bed. Some of the folks who have the official progressive politics decoder ring are getting snide and judgmental again.
CNN is a clown show right now with it's self-serving programming. Going full-force after Biden to cover up the fact that their moderated debate was an embarrassment. Not a peep out of Abby Phillip that Trump is a pathological liar and had no business being president let alone again.
I appreciate that some folks want to be allowed to kvetch or rend garments for their own pleasure. Maybe it's better to get mad and fight dirty.
Sports Talk: I'm a Mets fan and I love Pete Alonso. However, if there's a chance they can't sign him again after this year then I'm trading him now to get as much as I can for the guy. I don't care about sentiment - I care about the uniform.
Everyone needs to make their work email system as efficient as mine. Labels, folders, color coded, notifications and constantly managed. No one should miss anything. No one should have 4K email in their inbox. They should be able to find things as easily as I do. It's not rocket science.
There should be real estate agents who watch the murder channel and can advise people from NYC who want to retire to a smaller town which ones are less murdery.
I'm still waiting for some brilliant pundit to tell me why indie voters that rejected Trump in 2020 would decide to vote for the same lunatic in 2024. Forget MAGA, they're dickish nuts. I'm talking about normal people with families. Why would they vote for Trump?
My favorite Trump is petulant pissed-off Trump. He looks like he's 8 years old and refuses to eat his peas.
I continue to not understand the social media dynamic. Should I respond? Not respond? Only respond when invited to respond? How would I know the difference?
If a GOP talking point is that Biden should step down, then I'm not going to join that chorus as a Democrat. No way.
So MAGA and the far left are both calling for Biden to step down. That wacky horseshoe again.
Today on Bluesky: The Squad™️ was right blah-blah-blah and if anyone says they're not always right then block blah-blah-blah.
Stop talking about golf for goodness sake.
I would vote for Napoleon's drippy nub before I'd vote for Trump.