Zuuldaff's Pizzeria

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Zuuldaff's Pizzeria


Canadian politics, served by the slice

Pizza, by itself, will not bring world peace; but it will always be a better choice than killing each other in large numbers.
Last week, my newsletter highlighted how over 1/3 of premature births are attributed to the mothers' exposure to pollution from fossil fuels. Now, a new study shows air pollution reduces IVF success by 40%. For health reasons alone, fossil fuels need to go. globalnews.ca/news/1060157...
More green energy is powering the globe every daywww.talkingclimate.ca Global renewables surge, fossil fuel and climate change impacts on mothers and babies, and how to prepare for the hurricane season
I feel like I could write a 5,000 word essay on how much of an out of touch elitist Joe Biden is for this post. Of course, he almost certainly doesn't write his own Xitter posts, but still.
Good grief to the British still count ballots by hand?
it's so crazy because outside of the US this is something that seems really weirdly obvious is how much America loves to elect dementia riddled politicians over and over just doesn't seem to be a problem for anyone? it's so surreal to watch from the outside
The Liberal Party of Canada's Comms team is absolutely terrible. Here is a policy that has a solid support with the public, yet strongly disagree with LPC messaging. This is why I think dumping Trudeau won't change the LPC's fortunes in the next election. www.sparkadvocacy.ca/insights/202...
Capital Gains: "Gated communities" argument is a loserwww.sparkadvocacy.ca Freeland's rhetoric on class divisions fails to boost support for the new tax policy
You will never guess which one is considered a democracy.
If you think this headline in the National Post is full of projection, the article itself is even worse.
Did your parents regret not using a condom?
This is the image used for an article in the Atlantic. While there is plenty I could say about each of the countries the writer, here is apparently including the "Liberal Alliance," I just gotta ask, is there fucking anybody is the US that actually understands what the word "liberal" means?
The thing abt optimism of the will is you've gotta DO SOMETHING. Actually FIGHT for a real solution Not just follow the system of liberal representative democracy that allowed this to happen & vote for a guy who willingly entered debate w a fascist so he could argue abt who's better at fucking golf
Things are bad but all the more reason for optimism of the will and rejection of doomerism and nihilism. Only way out is through.
Hillary Syndrome has already set in: "The focus on the staff, however, also allowed the family to overlook Biden’s own failings in Atlanta, one of the people familiar noted." www.politico.com/news/2024/06...
Biden’s family privately criticizes top advisers and pushes for their ouster at Camp David meetingwww.politico.com They also urged the president to stay in the race.
Got blocked by Thomas Zimmer so fast I couldn't even post part 2.
I'm pretty sure that someone who has invented time bending can get a way better paying job than cashier.
Democrats to trans voters: Fuck you. Democrats to Arab voters: Fuck you. Democrats to leftist voters: Fuck you. Democrats to anyone expressing concerns about any or all of this for years now: Fuck you. Democrats this week: WHY AREN’T YOU SUPPORTING US?? DO YOU WANT TRUMP??? 😐
Biden’s Black voter troubles are setting off alarm bellswww.politico.com The message out of battleground states and focus groups is that the president's problems are real — and he is running out of time to fix them.
Update on the Tommy Robinson saga. Anti Hate Canada has set up a web page to petition Domenic LeBlanc, Minister of Public Safety, to ban Tommy Robinson from Canada. Please share widely. If you are Canadian, please sign the petition. Thank you. www.antihate.ca/ban_tommy_ro...
Ban Tommy Robinsonwww.antihate.ca The government messed up. Tommy Robinson is an infamous anti-Muslim activist and a criminal and he should not have been let into the country. Tell this government to ban him from Canada for good.
This is genius. We need this, lots of this.
He still should have been booted, on the grounds that he should not have made it past the airport in the first place, due to his past criminal convictions. Guess he got the ACAB exemption. Also, there is no such thing as "honorary Canadian."
I've long felt that the political left needs to do better at explaining how different issues intersect. This is just next level.
Me: The Liberals need to stop talking about Mark Carney. Liberal Party Establishment: Mark Carney! Mark Carney forever! Mark Carney always! MAAAAARK CAAAAARNEEEEEY!!!!1!!1!
Okay, so I underestimated how much Biden's performance would hurt with with Dem voters. Still think Trump's outright lying, shameless racism, and unbelievable claims should have been a bigger story.
So I did manage to see most of the debate. Wow the US is fucked. 1/9
This is a pretty significant departure from past statements, until quite recently, in which he has always made a firm stance on maximalist goals, even as others around him, including military leadership, were talking negotiation. So much to say, but... 1/2
Good news.
BREAKING | The former school police chief of Uvalde, has been indicted on charges of child endangerment for his role in the botched response to a deadly shooting at Robb Elementary School two years ago.
Uvalde’s Former School Police Chief Indicted Over Massacre: Reportwww.thedailybeast.com Pete Arredondo and another former officer, Adrian Gonzales, were indicted by a grand jury on charges of child endangerment.
Since I am on the London North Centre Ontario NDP mailing list, my first thought was "Oh, they let the n00b play with their Mailchimp account. Then I noticed the the reply-to is a Gmail address; the LNC ONDP uses an "@ndp.on.ca" reply-to address. Still could be a n00b mistake, but kinda sus.