
Low-key disappointed that Grant Shapps lost his seat because while he’s still a Tory I feel like he would have avoided the “culture war” bs it he’d managed to become leader. Now we’ll almost certainly be stuck with a sociopath like Braverman or Badenoch or Jendrick.
Although the Tories are so fucking batshit rn that it’s hard to see how anyone to the left of Mussolini could become leader. So, high probability that a sociopath would win regardless of any relatively moderate candidates. Reform’s success also pretty much ensures a fascistic sociopath leader.
Thank fuck Cates lost her seat though. She’d be sticking crosses in people’s faces and chanting “the power of Christ compels you”, trying to exorcise any last remnants of “moderate” Cameronism.
Cates was, without exaggeration, an actual nazi
but yeah i agree. i think fundamentally labour's extremely narrow failure to unseat badenoch is going to go down in history as the flick of the butterfly's wing that ends with a tory-reform merger
i dont think it'll be jenrick or braverman: both are extremely disliked even among their allies
Cleverly is IMO the most likely non-open sociopath and probably their best bet, but it's gotten less likely since he was moved from Foreign to Home
Oh are they? That's nice to hear. Though it must take an enormous effort - being so consistently shitty that even cunts think you're a cunt
She’s certainly very concerned about “the birth rate” - and we all know she means “the white birth rate.”
I watched an interview with her a while back and I know that this is kind of a cliche, but it really was giving The Handmaid’s Tale.
she also has used actual nazi dogwhistles in parliament, both talking about things that resemble great replacement theory and "cultural marxism"
Fuck, with all the mad shit she’s said over the past four and a half years I’d actually forgotten about the “cultural marxism” stuff.
It's honestly testament to both the moral and the political failure of the Tory establishment that this rando fascist who was transparently going to lose in this GE still was granted massive political power because... she had an internal faction that provably couldn't beat the govt?
I'm not convinced of that, I think there's a decent chance she considers Nazis far too accepting of modernity
Oh did she?! 🥳🥳🥳 Aw thanks - you've made my Friday night😁💜
Braverman definitely gave the air of someone angling for leadership as her use of "my party" felt like more than "the party of which I'm a member"