
Ngl the fact that Starmer followed up that offer of a meeting with Rowling (so that he could offer her “assurances”) by saying that we “shouldn’t have the right” to use women’s toilets was fucking crushing. I never had particularly high hopes for the guy, but that was a punch to the gut.
I guess I should have known back in 2020 when he refused to sign those trans pledges. He was only my second-preference vote, but I’ll cop to being overly optimistic about his intentions.
Anyway fuck him. Party politics as a means to achieving gains for trans people appears to be over, for the time being. But I’m not despairing - those young trans people who protested at NHS England were really inspiring. Immensely proud of them.
Trans youth are under constant attack but they’re fighting back. They have no support from billionaires or the media or politicians but they’re fighting back. And it’s on us as millennial and older trans people to have their back. No lie I feel like they put me to shame.
Trans people were at the forefront of getting many of the LGBT+ rights when they started the Stonewall riots. Its coming again, and I'm not afraid to say, our rights are going to be won by the fist, not by the handshake.
And you shouldn't feel put to shame. The truth is we've been manipulated into a form of complacency with token gestures that seem to be for us, but as with all politics, is just meant as a cover so we don't fight. Its also a divide and conquer aspect too. Hence why cis people tell lesbians we
would call them transphobic for not wanting to date a trans person. No reliable trans person has ever made that statement. We understand more than most that preference is preference. But cis billionaires have the wealth and power to pass on that message.