
Weak energy: "The Joker being able to produce armies of robot toys doesn't make any sense, he's not rich like Batman and he's not a supergenius either!" Strong energy: "He's the Joker, baby, don't think too hard about it."
One thing I really respect, looking back at TAS, is that it has... well, not *contempt* for lore at all, but it's not worried about explaining or rationalizing every little thing. The Joker just has a bunch of wacky tech he can pull out of his ass because it makes for fun sequences.
It's definitely made by people who are concerned with how the final product looks and giving you something fun to watch instead of with building intricate storytelling, which can be fun but it's exhausting that everything thinks it needs to do that now.
One nice bit in the New Batman Animated Series (Nightwing and Tim Drake Robin) is that Joker DIDN'T have that stuff. It was mostly Joker and Harley. "Joker's Millions" had him run out of bullets at the beginning (also, only one ejector seat, sorry Harle).