
I see that we’re getting to “I would have voted for Michelle Obama three times!”
I won't vote for THAT woman. But wait I would vote for this one. Come to think of it, no not THIS one either. lather, rinse, repeat.
I can't wait to see the reasons they give for Whitmer being terrible when she does run.
She’s as pro-Israel as Biden. A governor can’t do anything about global politics, so people look at her ( impressive!) local work on healthcare, roads, education, environment. (Yes, I know any possible nominee will also be pro-Israel, but some voters compare her to an imaginary, impossible nominee.)
This is why any serious candidate has to run a national campaign. Voters need to kick the tires and look under the hood.
That’s the problem. Until last week, nobody (including Whitmer!) thought Whitmer was a serious candidate for president until 2028. So of course she wasn’t running.