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TV writer. Author of the novels The Survivalists and The Payback (2025). Deadly with a butter knife.
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Brb declaring myself a corporation so I can have some rights
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“So she would have the artist turn his lyrics over to the government prior to putting out or promoting any songs he planned to use them in, and at that point if they are deemed to be “inconsistent with the goals of rehabilitation”, prosecutors could ask to modify Dorsey’s supervised release terms.”
Rapper BG ordered to have all future songs approved by US governmentwww.theguardian.com Ruling leads to claims that BG’s right to free speech unfairly challenged in another case putting rap lyrics on trial
Pouring one out for all the Idaho kids who won’t get to go to the library because their parents will get nervous about singing an affidavit.
This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
Everybody freaking out about extrajudicial killings is going to lose it when they find out about the existence of cops.
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Was working on a text and laboriously typed "Siouxsie and the Banshees" only to watch helplessly as autocorrect changed "Siouxsie" to "Susie" and all of a sudden I want to burn all of Silicon Valley to the ground. That's not an overreaction is it?
Americans, looking to move abroad: “so where can I live that isn’t fascist, won’t wilt under climate change, and has a Whole Foods?”
They need a new self help book for companies called “how to solve all your problems by giving up on that product no one wants.”
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Google falling short of important climate target, cites electricity needs of AI.
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Big WTP, heavy on it. ❤️🖤💚 By the people, for the people, who the people? We The People
*we the people* are the ones responsible for organizing against our oppressors and dismantling white supremacy around the world btw joe biden, of all fucking people, isn't going to save you from rich assholes profiting off of our slave labor as the climate catastrophe rages just keep that in mind!
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Reconstruction 2: Reparation Day
*Whitney Houston singing about reconstruction voice* “didn’t we almost have it all.”
Reconstruction 2: This Time It’s Personal
Reconstruction 2: The North Will Rise Again
Looking forward to 2 reconstruction 2 furious.
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Because the vibes are bad right now, here’s something we can all laugh at
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I guess the British won after all.
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No shame in feeling scared, overwhelmed and not knowing what to do. To me feeling one's feelings doesn't preclude taking action. These are confusing times. Give yourself some grace.
The Supreme Court just overthrew the country and I’m still seeing headlines that are like “did you know Joe Biden is like, months older than his opponent?”
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I can’t believe the Supreme Court just ruled that the president can sleep outdoors in a public space.
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WaPo about to issue an apology and retraction for "all that Watergate stuff"
People seem down, but it’s actually pretty exciting that we can get legally killed by cops and presidents and people acting in self defense because we took their parking spot.
The Supreme Court is celebrating the 4th of July by reminding us that the entire point of this country was killing millions for a tax break for a few rich people.
In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court holds that having a country is for suckers.
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Normal people: enjoying their Sunday The WSJ: we gotta send out the push alert that says fuck the minorities.
So who’s “us”?
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Cori Bush put forward a bill that’d actually take a step towards reining in the police. She deserves your support more than anyone else running for the House this cycle.
Meet Wesley Bell, a prosecutor who got his start managing GOP campaigns. He's running against Squad member Congressmember Cori Bush & he's raised $800K from Zionists & anti-abortion Republicans. Here he is, spouting clueless, vapid nonsense. Anyway. Donate to @coribush.bsky.social : coribush.org
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lord help us my mother has started lurking on the interwebs and reading the things the youngs say and last week I had to explain what AFAB stands for and 3 days ago she asked what the C in ACAB stands for and I have found out she told my dad that I explained to her ACAB is Assigned Cop At Birth fml
I see that we’re getting to “I would have voted for Michelle Obama three times!”
In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court is like “you are now free to overthrow the government we just put ourselves in charge of.”
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@kashana.bsky.social I just finished The Survivalists and really really enjoyed it, bravo!