
Tfw you call an ambulance for a possible double opioid overdose and then the people start walking around so the ambulance drives away without getting out or even talking to you and at the same time the people hobble over to a bus stop and get on a bus and disappear forever.
Anyway always carry naloxone (i didn’t have to use it but i had it with me). It’s free at most major pharmacies in Canada and they’ll teach you how to use it. Even if it expires it is still 80% effective and better than no intervention at all. All i can do is my best out here.
At least i also got to educate a young guy on a bike that stopped to help too but wasn’t sure what to do. I could tell from his bike setup that he rides everywhere and all around town. I think he’ll be picking up his own Naloxone kit in the next few days.
You were doing good and probably helped interrupt a series of bad decisions on the users’ part. 🙏🏻