Trashy McTrashface

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Trashy McTrashface

A raccoon in Toronto. Socialist, anti-Capitalist, anti-racist, Intersectional Feminist. Carpenter. Non-breeding, pansexual, she/her. Street name: Sauceface.
As far as Canada goes i think the ndp should stop hand-wringing and being nice and just double-down on leftist policies and rekindle their lefty roots. They are losing traction by trying to play too centre. And they need to be meaner, because PP is mean and JT is a flake.
A lot of things are stupid in the world but the news out of France is a refreshing change.
Wish our mainstream media would point out that Ford is expanding alcohol sales mostly to enrich his already-enriched cronies, and that the union is just protecting workers’ job security. I’m sure his buddies at TorStar will make LCBO the villains tho. #ONpoli
Turnips, please remember that **Galen Weston's cousin** is on the board of the LCBO. All LCBO decisions are meant to: - Benefit Loblaws and the big box stores - End unionized jobs - End revenue sources for the province The bust out continues.
Tfw you call an ambulance for a possible double opioid overdose and then the people start walking around so the ambulance drives away without getting out or even talking to you and at the same time the people hobble over to a bus stop and get on a bus and disappear forever.
"Is Bridgerton normalising mixed weight relationships" Meanwhile every man in a sitcom ever
Women all know women who have been sexually assaulted, yet men never seem to know men who have perpetrated sexual assault
Nearly every woman I know has been assaulted. And nearly every woman they know has. Like what is not clicking. Every time, he probably did that shit.
Does anyone else remember McGruff used to smoke cigarettes? I have a strong memory of this.
ACA… wait.. wat?
A reminder that survivors who come forward about beloved celebrities come forward understanding they will never know peace again, in case you’re thinking “maybe they’re in it for something”
Neil Gaiman has been accused of sexual A new report contains allegations from two women who accuse the American Gods author of nonconsensual acts
My idiot son is so soft and cuddly, but when he gets wound up he can get bitey. Found out recently he was a feral cat in North Bay and was considered friendly enough to be adopted. He is very friendly. He just gets wound up sometimes and chomps you. Tips?
Have you guys seen pictures of that guy from Quebec who was recently drafted by the NBA? He’s like 7’ 9” and still growing. Pictures of him standing next to other people look fake af. It must be so awkward being so tall and not being able to fit anywhere.
stop telling me I have to accept milquetoast liberals who are in favor of genocide and refuse to condemn the inhumanity of conservatives at home out of some mythical hope for bipartisanship. if the right can push a full on fascist, the left can push someone at least on the left if not a progressive
"TO is denied the right to do what’s best for itself by politicians who campaign on their contempt for the city. They see public assets as exploitable business opportunities, & they spend public money seemingly without consulting the public." #FordFailedTO #TOpoli
The Ontario Science Centre never should have been Doug Ford’s to If Toronto had the financial tools and political sovereignty necessary to provide the services and protect and promote the spaces its citizens desire, we wouldn’t be discussing the science centre’s
Also, Pride Toronto learned nothing from their inability to recognize BLM and shut down the parade rather than let pro-Palestinian antigenocide protest continue, though I missed that conflict from where I was positioned. Pride is still a protest. None of us are free until all of us are free.
I’m sorry but this is just the suckiest behaviour from Pride Toronto. There’s ALWAYS a protest at Pride, there SHOULD always be a protest at Pride, and with the nightmare in Gaza, anyone paying attention knew there’d be a parade stoppage. Just let them have their moment, engage and keep moving 🤷🏻
I love good representation of my body type: thicc and strong ❤️
Chase Jackson could crush your skull and you would say thank you. That is one bad ass lady.
Anyway one thing my mum does is when i tell her a friend is pregnant she immediately asks “Is she married?” Literally the first reaction. Not a “oh tell her congrats!” Or “when’s the due date?” And when i called her out on it she was like “I don’t do that.”
Idgaf about Taylor Swift but anyone commenting on a woman’s marital/reproductive choices is fucking gross and i hate it.
Fixed it
What happened if you mixed them together?
Everyone knows Coca-Cola used to contain cocaine, but people don't talk as much about how 7 Up used to contain lithium as a mood stabiliser.
Played Diablo all day because i am an adult and i can do whatever i want 😛
Oh my god. Gaming in my 40s is like a fucking vision test every time. The font doesn’t have to be giant but if i have to get up and read something on a 50” screen you are just fucking with me at this point.
Zomboid is the first game I've played where I've said out loud WHY IS THE TEXT SO GODDAMN SMALL? And it was downhill from there.
Trump and Biden are only three years apart in age. My hot take is that you shouldn’t hold any form of power/office over the age of 65. Retire and let fresh eyes take over for once. There is a disconnect with how so many things have changed and they systematically fail to understand what is needed.
Revue Cinema, via twitter and instagram, #RevueCinema #Toronto #TOPoli #TorontoFilm, #RevueCinema #Toronto #TOPoli #TorontoFilm
Nothing quite so satisfying as fixing a gross, clogged, stinky old neglected floor drain.
The Oilers lost in Florida, and the Conservatives won the bi-election in St-Pauls in Toronto. 🤮🤮🤮
I am not pro-cop but this cop basically just did the job description. No abuse of power, violence, etc. he arrested someone (rightly) for a DUI which is a real problem. Too many people think they can get away with it, famous or not.
Giving a cop the mugshot treatment because he arrested a rich person who was guilty and acting like that’s totally normal should be a moment that open’s people’s eyes to the jig.
I put tennis balls out on the patio to see if the baby raccoons would play with them and...
Mike Harris uses white supremacist filled OPP to kill Indigenous protestor. Mike Harris gets DeGasperis family to donate 10x $25,000 fundraising dinners to support Doug Ford's campaign. They called it Common Sense back then too. #onpoli
Canada is sending a former KKK member to do security training in Israel/West Bank Brad Coulbeck Stephen Harper