
NEW: A US bankruptcy-court trustee plans shut down conspiracy theorist Alex Jones's Infowars and liquidate its assets to help pay the $1.5 billion in judgments against Jones, he told the court in an emergency motion yesterday
Bankruptcy trustee discloses plan to shut down Alex Jones' Infowars and liquidate Jones has been saying on his web and radio shows that he expects Infowars to operate for...
I thought the courts were going to let him keep that?.. I hope they take his goddamn shoes
I think it was that as Infowars wasn't in financial distress, it couldn't file for bankruptcy, Alex Jones is the one who owes the money, and owns Infowars, it's an asset in his bankruptcy.
He has hidden real assets.They need better accountants to find and claw every penny back.
They have effectively infinite money to hound him for his assets, and motivation to keep it up forever.
End of the day, the only people who will profit from this are the lawyers.
Frankly, I hope the families get some compensation, and having the rest of it go to making him miserable is fine with me.
I'd happily donate to a crowdfund to supply those marine signal horns to anyone within 500 feet of him, 24 hours a day.. His blood pressure is already out of control. Maybe just a minor stroke.. as a treat.
Driving to 7-11.. Trying to have a rant online.. 3AM at a shit hotel in the middle of Rt. 66.. Mf'r be out in the woods.. HOOOOONK!