
What is the value of AI art? is it the specificity and detail of the prompt? is it the time it took to get the desired results? early on prompters would point to the time it took to overcome the limitations of the model as a justification of the craft, but now the models have far fewer limitations 1
is tit he detail and specificity of the prompt? I got a really good result from one and a half sentences, maybe I was creative in not iterating further but I liked it, it was what I wanted
/3 does your AI art have more "value" the more specific and granular it is? granted you might get something more interesting and unique the more you prompt (given the model favors the generic) or maybe you'll get something great 3rd or second try
/4 This is a literaly prompt I made "a comic panel of an aboriginal man in his mid 20's wearing a leather jacket. He has a cheeky smile on his face. He is enjoying a cigarette" <-The results were great. Just from that. I did absolutely fuck all.
5/ I'm not trying to do the annyoing "Youre not a real artists I'm superior to you" thing rather I'm pointing out that AI in some cases requires minimal input, AI can be a tool but it's not intended to be.
/6 if you look at the prompt behind a pretty AI Gen's just a metal scaffold, bare and unremarkable, it generally devolves into "mind mind plugged into the machine" nonsense but I think they're playing themselves...the AI gave them the image and their brain filled in the gaps